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Perfect for all ages: NYC has an indoor amusement park with something for everyone


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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If you're looking for family fun in New York City, then you'll love the indoor amusement park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. There's a lot to do in Area 53, according to Only in your state.

This place sells entrance tickets for three hours. So there is an opportunity for the whole family to have fun. You can stick to one activity all the time or try everything. You'll like it Area 53.

Area 53 is located in Williamsburg. It does not have its own parking, but there are plenty of off-street parking spaces nearby.
As soon as you get into the adventure park area, you will be amazed by its huge territory and how many entertainments are available to visitors.

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Have you ever tried rock climbing? This is your chance. You can safely climb to the top again and again on the climbing rock. There are many other different structures that you can climb if you wish.

The rope town is one of the most popular places here. It's very difficult, but don't worry - you'll be wearing your seat belts!

You can then fight your friend on the combat beam. If you get hit, luckily you will have a soft landing.

Here, among other things, there is an arcade with many video games.


Фото: Depositphotos

The huge rollerdrome for roller skating is also popular with visitors. If someone in your group doesn't want to participate, there are plenty of seats available so they can watch the rest of the party having fun.


Photo: Shutterstock

In addition to the adventure park, Area53 has a 1860 square meter paintball field! You can buy a separate three-hour subscription, and then play paintball all day.

Area53 is fun for all ages! You will have a great day at this place!


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