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Illegals in New York will receive financial assistance in connection with the coronavirus


ForumDaily New York

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New York will allocate $ 20 million to support illegal immigrants during the coronavirus epidemic. This will reach 20 thousand people who lost their jobs during this epidemic, as well as their family members. This is reported City Hall.

Photo: Shutterstock

About the program

New York City COVID-19 Immigrant Emergency Relief Program (NYC), the New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, has announced the launch of the New York City Emergency Relief Program. This program is implemented by the city in conjunction with the Open Society Foundations Foundation.

$ 20 million will be allocated for the implementation of the program. It will cover 20 thousand unemployed immigrants and their families. New Yorkers will be able to receive support - regardless of their immigration status.

“Immigrants are the heart of this city, they are our friends, neighbors and colleagues,” the mayor said. "This crisis has shown that it is more important than ever for New Yorkers to care for each other."

How it will work

The New York City Hall Immigrant Office and the New York City Hall Promotion Fund will create a network of community-based organizations that will provide direct one-time payments to immigrant families.

Funding will cover up to 20 thousand illegal immigrants and their families who lost their jobs due to the epidemic and faced financial difficulties.

Payout amounts:

  • $ 400 - to be received by one person;
  • $ 800 - for a couple or single parent with children;
  • $ 1000 - for a family with several adults and children.

The network of organizations will also inform immigrants about other forms of assistance and resources - food stamps (SNAP), emergency food delivery programs and others.

How many immigrants live in New York

3,1 million immigrants live in New York. They make up about 37% of the city’s population and 44% of its workforce, including approximately 360 thousand illegal workers and 48 thousand undocumented business owners.

In 2019, New Yorkers born outside the United States, including illegal immigrants, replenished the city’s GDP by approximately $ 232 billion. Among the million workers who are at the forefront of the city’s COVID-19 pandemic, more than half are immigrants.

On the subject: 'Poverty pandemic': why low-income people die from coronavirus in New York

The number of illegal immigrants in New York is about 738 thousand, including 218 thousand children. Currently, they remain particularly vulnerable. More than a third of people without legal immigration status in New York have a low income and are not eligible for most types of assistance under the social protection system.

The epicenter of the epidemic

Today, New York is the epicenter of the epidemic in the United States. Moreover, the state has recorded more cases of infection than in any country in the world (except the United States).

“This crisis has shown how dependent we are on low-wage workers to fill our food shelves, harvest and deliver food,” said Patrick Gaspard, president of the Open Society Foundation. “They are also the people with the least access to services and benefits outside the reach of the government's stimulus package.”

These workers “literally support our society right now,” Gaspard said, expressing the hope that “politicians will solve the structural inequality they face daily.”

Help for school communities

The Open Society Foundation will make a $ 15 million donation to the NYC Schools COVID-19 Response Effort Fund to support school communities in the New York Department of Education (DOE). Thanks to this, support will be given to children of primary and school age of life support workers - from medical personnel to transit workers.

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