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Immigrants in New Jersey Demand to Be Allowed to Pass Ukrainian Language Test


Olga Derkach

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Ukrainians in New Jersey may soon be able to take a driver's license test in Ukrainian. You can also become part of the initiative and support this idea.

The New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) allows you to take the exam in various languages ​​- English, Spanish, Russian - but Ukrainian is not among this list yet.

Organization USA Stands with Ukraine drafted a formal letter stating that immigrants in New Jersey should be able to take the driver's license test in Ukrainian. Those who want to support the initiative can send this letter to the responsible structures and authorized persons. A post about this appeared on the page Marina Vlasyuk on Facebook.

“The ability to take the exam in Russian and the lack of a version in Ukrainian is discrimination against Ukrainians. In addition, this is a biased attitude towards those who fled the war in Ukraine, since most of these people do not speak English, and they are forced to take an exam in the language of the occupier and terrorist,” Vlasyuk writes.

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“This is unfair and unacceptable because anyone who intends to get a driver's license in New Jersey has the right to take the test in the language they speak and understand best. The opportunity to take the exam in Ukrainian should be available to Ukrainians living in the state of New Jersey,” she added.

If you want to join and support this project - send an email Representatives of the New Jersey State Parliament.

Write the following in your letter:

Dear House Representative,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the current regulations for driver's license examinations in the state of New Jersey. Specifically, I would like to bring attention to the issue of Ukrainian-speaking individuals being unable to take the test in their native language.

As you may be aware, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has forced many individuals to flee their homes and seek refuge in the United States. For these individuals, taking the driver's license examination in Russian (as they do not speak English fluently) is not only inconvenient, but also traumatic. Russian language has been used as a tool by aggressors and terrorists, and forcing Ukrainian speakers to use it is a form of persecution.

Therefore, I respectfully request that you consider implementing a policy that allows individuals to take the driver's license examination in Ukrainian. This will not only provide relief for Ukrainian-speaking individuals, but also promote diversity and inclusion in our state.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, (your name)

The text of the letter is translated as follows:

Dear Representative of the House of Representatives!

I am writing to express my concerns about the current New Jersey driving test regulations. Separately, I would like to draw attention to the problem of Ukrainian-speaking people who cannot pass the test in their native language.

As you may know, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has forced many people to flee their homes and seek refuge in the United States. For these individuals, taking a driving license test in Russian (because they are not fluent in English) is not only inconvenient but also traumatic. The Russian language has been used as a tool by aggressors and terrorists, and forcing Ukrainian speakers to use it is a form of persecution.

Therefore, I respectfully request that you consider introducing a policy to allow individuals to take their driver's license test in Ukrainian. This will not only bring relief to Ukrainian-speaking people, but will also promote diversity and inclusion in our state.

Thank you for your attention to this issue.

Sincerely, (your name)

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