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How to get rid of mosquitoes easily and quickly: a miracle remedy from TikTok


Alina Prikhodko

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With the advent of heat, mosquitoes begin to actively pester residents of all states of America. Luckily, a recent TikTok user said Olga, about a little-known product that solves this problem at the source.

What is the

TikTok user named Finch (@finchmerely) published a video in May demonstrating how the tool works Mosquito Dunks. This is a simple product that prevents mosquito larvae from developing into adults.

“Do you want to know something amazing? she wrote. “It’s the end of May, I’m sitting in the yard, and I don’t have a single mosquito bite on me.”

She then revealed her anti-mosquito secret, a bucket of stagnant, muddy water that is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. The water was full of small black dots - larvae.

But besides water, there was one more thing in this bucket - Mosquito Dunk.

“This bag does not allow them to develop,” the girl explained. “Mosquitoes lay their larvae here, and this is the inevitable end of their existence.”

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How does this remedy work?

According to Eartheasy, Mosquito Dunks is non-toxic to humans, pets and wildlife, unlike traditional repellent. Mosquito Dunks contains a special bacterium called BTI that is exclusively aimed at mosquito larvae.

Eartheasy also notes that these products are easy to use and durable. You don't need to buy a special bucket - just add them to all standing water around your home, including gutters, bird baths, and flower pots. The product floats on the surface of the water and spreads BTI over an area of ​​up to 10 square meters. One sachet of Mosquito Dunks works for 30 days.

What do they say about it

It seems like this is the kind of product that everyone should know about, but the commentators were surprised when they found out about it.

“How is it that we are only now, in 2023, aware of the existence of these mosquito bags?” one of the Tik-Tok users wrote.

Another commented: “My entomology professor highly recommends this remedy! Much better for the environment than spraying with pesticides.”

@finchmerely #stitch with @Finch ♬ original sound

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