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How drivers are cheated in New York: two schemes


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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Cases on the roads vary, but drivers in the tri-state region also suffer from deliberate deception hitting their wallets. We found two patterns that have recently affected drivers in the region.

Photo: Shutterstock

Overpricing at gas stations

On October 4, New Jersey state officials said five gas stations in North Jersey were overcharging fuel for customers. Including passing off regular gasoline as premium fuel, reports Daily voice.

Under the consumer protection agreement, gas station owner Sukhdev Singh will pay the state more than $ 138 in overpricing compensation. At the same time, the owner of the filling stations undertakes not to overcharge the prices anymore, on this charge a criminal case will not be opened against him - this is one of the conditions of the agreement on the payment of compensation.

Gas stations where drivers were deceived:

  • KP Fuel, 864 Mt. Prospect Ave, Newark;
  • BK Fuel, 108 Bloomfield Ave, Newark;
  • Millennium Fuel, 113-119 Franklin Street, Belleville;
  • DS Fuel, 605 Washington Ave, Belleville;
  • Power Service Center, 456 W. Market Street, Newark.

This scheme was dangerous not only for the budget, but also for the lives of car owners. Regular gasoline in a car that is supposed to run on premium fuel "can spontaneously ignite," said New Jersey Attorney General Andrew Brook.

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“This can lead to constant engine knocking and, in severe cases, can cause serious engine damage. It could be broken connecting rods, melted pistons or other damaged components, ”added Brook.

The agreement completes an investigation by the New Jersey House of Weights and Measures and the Consumer Protection Agency. The investigation included unannounced fuel quality checks at multiple filling stations between July 31, 2019 and September 25, 2020.

Impostor Police Officer

Another reported driver cheating scheme Patch, happened in New York. A man posing as a police officer stopped the driver at FDR Drive.

Photo: Shutterstock

The alleged robbery took place on August 25 at about 2:50 am, but law enforcement officers only reported it now. A 36-year-old man was driving the FDR along East 26th Street.

An unidentified man driving a white car stopped him, calling himself a police officer. He ordered the victim to get out of the car, asked to show his license and registration. The driver gave him all these documents.

The fake cop took the driver's wallet (it contained credit cards and about $ 800 in cash), returned to his car, and drove north on the FDR. The robbery victim was not physically hurt.

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Police described the alleged robber as a light-skinned man in his 40s, about 175 cm tall, weighing about 90 kg, and a heavy build. He was bald and was last seen wearing a white T-shirt and black sweatpants.

The police ask anyone with information to call the NYPD Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). you also can send information over the internet or on Twitter @NYPDTips.

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