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How to effectively clean white shoes at home


Alina Prikhodko

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Are your white sneakers turning yellow? IN Real Simple Learn how to bring your leather, cloth and suede shoes back to bright white without bleach or expensive cleaning products.

White sneakers or sneakers are a versatile wardrobe item that can be worn with a suit, sundress or classic jeans and a T-shirt. A significant disadvantage of this shoe is the color, which turns yellow over time, and is also quickly smeared. White Converse, which met with a muddy puddle - this is another problem. Scuffs and scratches are inevitable and, to be honest, usually occur within the first two minutes of wearing.

There is a way to clean white shoes without harsh chemicals, dry cleaning, or a washing machine. Before you get started, double-check what your shoes are made of, read the instructions, and gather everything you need.

Then follow our step-by-step instructions to help you clean your white shoes in a quick and fun way. However, if you're on the road and don't have time to clean up your white soles, we recommend using a quick and effective cleaning product that you can buy at any market.

How to clean white Vans with Magic Eraser

Vans come in canvas, leather or fabric. Leather is one of the easier materials to clean because it doesn't absorb as much water as most other fabrics. However, this simple method should work on most white sneakers. You will need paper towels and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

Step 1: Remove surface dirt

Dampen a paper towel, squeeze out excess water, and gently wipe the outside of the shoes. This helps to remove large dirt particles. Then let the shoes dry for 10 minutes.

Step 2: Clean the sole

Wet the eraser Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and squeeze out excess water. Wipe the sole with the eraser until dirt and stains are gone.

Try to apply just enough pressure to remove the stain without scratching the fabric. Depending on how dirty your shoes were, you may need to repeat this process several times.

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How to Clean White Convers with Baking Soda and Vinegar

You might think that removing dirt from white sneakers is difficult, but it's actually quite simple (maybe even easier than deodorizing smelly sneakers).

To clean white Converses that aren't quite as white (or even yellow), you'll need baking soda, vinegar, and warm water. If you don't have baking soda and vinegar available, you can try using regular dishwashing detergent.

Step 1: Combine the Ingredients

Slowly mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and add 1 cup of warm water. Let the hiss settle down.

Step 2: Start cleaning

Soak a rag or clean toothbrush in the mixture and wipe the dirt off your shoes. Do this as quickly as possible because the mixture dries pretty quickly.

When finished cleaning, shake off any remaining solution, wipe with a damp cloth (if necessary) and allow the shoes to air dry.

How to Clean White Suede Shoes with Eraser and White Vinegar

Cleaning suede shoes is quite a challenge, as suede is a delicate fabric that gets dirty easily. You've probably noticed that most suede shoes don't have a true white tint, but even they get dirty easily. To gently and effectively clean white suede shoes, you will need a soft cotton cloth, stationery eraser, white vinegar, and a suede brush.

Step 1: Start by getting wet

Before cleaning your suede shoes, make sure they are completely dry by blotting them with a soft cloth. This is important because if you try to treat stains while they are wet, they can penetrate deeper into the material, making it difficult to remove the stain.

Step 2: Erase the Spots

Once dry, gently erase the stains with a pink pencil eraser.

Step 3: Dry with paper towel

Place a paper towel on wet spots and press it down to blot. Do not rub dirt and stains with a paper towel, as they may spread onto the shoes.

Step 4: Treat Remaining Stains

If any stains remain, dampen a soft cloth with white vinegar and rub gently to remove them.

Step 5: Dry and Comb

Let clean shoes air dry and then scrub the outside with a suede brush. This helps to restore its velvety texture.

How to keep white shoes clean longer

Now that your white sneakers are sparkling clean, you'll want to keep them that way for as long as possible. You might be tempted to wrap them in plastic, return them to their original box, and never wear them again, but that's not what you bought them for. Here are a few tips to help keep your white shoes clean longer:

  • Be selective about where and when you wear white shoes. Do not wear it in rain and mud.
  • Invest in a quality shoe protection spray that provides a durable protective layer. An invisible agent repels liquids, dirt, and dust. A good spray will allow your shoes to breathe and keep your feet dry.
  • Keep sneaker wipes handy. Wipe down white sneakers quickly after each use to prevent dirt and stains from accumulating.
  • Use a water based cleaner. Tint white shoes frequently with a water-based cleaner, or mix your own: 1 part water to 1 part white vinegar.
  • Don't brush your shoes. Treat your white shoes with a soft brush, not a hard one, which can damage them.
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