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How to save on air travel in America: simple advice became a hit on social media


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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Buying airline tickets at the airport can seem like a daunting task. But according to a viral video on TikTok, it could save you a lot of money. Yahoo.

Photo: Shutterstock

This new trick for saving money owned by Kevin McMillan (@mcmillansonthego). McMillan's TikTok page full of tips and secrets for travelers. But her video about buying air tickets at the airport seemed to have a particularly strong response.

In his video, TikToker explains how purchasing tickets at the airport can help you avoid some unnecessary fees. However, the trick only works for certain airlines.


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The council works with low-cost airlines

Typically, Macmillan's advice works for low-cost airlines such as Frontier, Spirit, and Allegiant. The reason, according to travel advice site Airfarewatchdog, is that some airlines charge a commission to book your ticket online. For example, Frontier calls this "carrier interface charges." The company usually adds about $ 10 or $ 20 to your total.

It may not seem like much, but it all adds up. For example, this means you can easily save $ 40 on flight back and forth... If you've flown at least five times a year, that's already $ 200.

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However, before trying this strategy, it is worth checking the terms and conditions of the airline you are flying. Many TikTok users have noted that various companies such as Delta do not charge separate fees for online reservations.

However, other users called this hack "revolutionary" and were happy to try it out.

"Tell us more," wrote one user.

“It's true,” added another.

"Been doing this for years," confirmed another.

Some users thought the ploy sounded too "defiant" and feared the risk. After all, the flight may already be full at the time of purchase at the airport. But McMillan clarified that she is actually only using this strategy for future flight bookings and not for same-day travel.

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