How to rent cheap housing in New York
Denis Cheredov
The cost of rental housing in New York rolls over. For those who pay for rent more than 30% of their income, there are special state programs that allow you to rent an apartment much cheaper than the market value.
ForumDaily found out what affordable housing programs are in New York, who can take part in them, and how the selection of the winners of the housing lottery takes place.
American Dream
Alexander Yurchuk always wanted to live in the New York high-rise overlooking the ocean. That was his American dream. He came to the US from Moscow in the middle of the 90's. Four years ago I was still able to rent an apartment overlooking Manhattan.
Alexander used the program of affordable housing Mitchell-Lama Housing, which now offers several hundred apartments. Yurchuk's income did not exceed $ 45 thousand per year, so he could count on a one-room apartment or a studio.
At first, Alexander looked at the objects offered by this company, and chose the housing suitable for him. Then I filled in the form on their website, printed out the application, bought a Money Order for $ 150 (that is how much the application for participation cost) and sent the documents to the management of NYC Mitchell-Lama Connect. Since the program assumed a lower rent for a studio than for a one-bedroom apartment, Alexander chose the first option. A few months later he received an answer.
“I remember that I open this envelope, and it says in large letters: congratulations, you won the lottery. I was incredibly happy then. I was assigned a number, and I waited for an invitation to an interview, ”Yurchuk recalls.
The queue was very long, and I had to wait for three years. The interview was conducted by a whole commission.
“I showed documents confirming the information that I indicated in the application form. He also showed income for the last three years, ”says Yurchuk.
In the end, Alexander was offered three options for apartments. He chose a studio in Brooklyn with an ocean view. The rent had to be paid $ 480 per month - the market value of such an apartment reached $ 1100.
It was not immediately possible to enter the new apartments - all the information about Alexander was checked very carefully, and only three months later they gave him the keys. Also, according to the terms of the program, Alexander first transferred $ 15 thousand to the bank account of the developer.
“This is a kind of deposit. They explained to me that I can rent an apartment for the rest of my days. But I have no right to register it in ownership and, accordingly, to sell it. If I want to move, then 15 thousand will be returned to me ”, - Yurchuk shares the details.
Renting an apartment for a few years, slightly increased in price.
“This year I started paying $ 500 a month. Each year they revise the rent based on income. If it increases, then the rental price goes up. It's good that this amount also includes utility bills, ”he says.
Every year auditors visit Yurchuk. They look at the general condition of the apartment and remind Alexander once again that he has no right to rent out the studio. And if he violates the terms of the program, officials can deprive him of his home.
Who can participate in the housing lottery
Affordable housing programs are designed for people who have low or average incomes and pay more than a third of their earnings for rent. The New York City Hall believes that if a person pays more than 30% for renting an apartment, then it becomes burdensome for his wallet.
As a rule, many more people apply to participate in the affordable housing program than there are apartments available. To determine the people who will receive the right to rent apartments below market value, special lotteries are held. Therefore, meeting certain financial criteria alone is not enough - you also need a share of luck.

Now the mayor of New York has launched a special project for the construction of all five boron new houses. Over the years 10 plan to put into operation 200 thousand apartmentswho will participate in affordable housing programs.
At the moment in New York there are several affordable housing programs that are implemented by various companies, developers. This list of companies may be updated from time to time:
- Low-Income Affordable Marketplace Program (LAMP)
- Lamp / Mixed Income Program
- Mixed Income Program
- Mitchell lama program
- New Housing Opportunities Program
- NYC Housing Development Program
Every month on the website of the City Hall is updated information card about available properties. On the state site you can find options for apartments. in all cities State of New York.
Potential lottery participants must meet several criteria:
1. Have a certain level of income (usually below average). For each program it has its own. For example, to participate in the Lamp / Mixed Income program, you must earn at least $ 18 275, but not more than $ 24 200 per person per year. People with this level of income can qualify for a studio in Brooklyn, the rent for which will be only $494.
2. At the time of filing, pay rent for housing more than 30% of its total income.
3. The credit history must comply with the standards set by the building organizer.
4. There should be no problems in the past with paying rent, there should also be no legal disputes and criminal prosecution.
All these facts will need to be confirmed at the interview.
Available housing options are available on the website. You can also find out about the available offers by calling 311. Always pay attention to the deadline for accepting applications for participation in the lottery.
For example, would you like to live in a studio apartment in Williamsburg at 356 Bedford Avenue... To participate in the lottery for this object, for example, a family of two must earn an income of $ 20 to $ 490 per year. The last day for accepting applications is April 27, 640. If you win, you will pay $ 29 for the apartment every month. On average, this is half the market value of rental housing in the area.
How to become a member of the program of affordable housing
1 step. check in
First you need to register on the site To date, more than 700 thousand people have already been registered on this portal. Then you should fill out a questionnaire, which includes personal information about you and your family members, work, family income, current housing situation. Answer clearly and fully to the questions when filling out the application. False or incomplete information will invalidate your letter.
For each program, the deadline for accepting applications for participation in the lottery is set. The application can be submitted either via the Internet or by regular mail.
The city administration cooperates with several public organizations that help fill out the necessary documents and submit an application for participation in the lottery. Full list you can find here.
2 step. Application Processing
Lottery is held on each property. The number of participants is not limited, so the competition is very large. Information about the status of the application can be obtained on the site within 2-10 months from the date of the deadline for accepting applications for the lottery.
3 step. Interview and package of documents
If you win the lottery, then the building organizer will contact you and you will be invited for an interview. Confirm your participation is desirable immediately. If you want to postpone a meeting, you must also inform about this immediately after receiving the invitation.
You must bring to the interview copy following documents:
- birth certificates;
- social security cards;
- identity cards;
- federal and state tax returns for the previous year;
- proof of residential address (rental agreement);
- receipts for payment of renting an apartment and utility payments;
- certificates to all family members about enrollment in educational institutions.
This is a list of key documents. Depending on the program you choose, you may need other personal data. More information in Russian can be found on the website. city of new york.
4 step. Signing a contract
After the interview, if you provide complete and accurate information, you will be invited to sign a lease agreement. You can also be queued. This should tell you. In this case, every six months, you must confirm to the developer your desire to continue participation in the program or abandon it.
If you receive a refusal, then you will definitely receive an official letter. You have the right to file an appeal within 10 business days. The document is submitted to the building organizer in writing.
You have advantages if:
- you have a disability;
- you live in the same district where the property is located;
- you are an employee of the municipality of the city;
- You constantly live in New York.
Russian Roulette with American Real Estate
Muscovite Natalya Lyutova and her daughter arrived in New York two years ago. The first time was renting a room in borough Queens. Last summer, Natalia's acquaintances told her about the housing lottery. Woman rummaged through the entire Internet and chose at once several affordable housing programs.
“When registering, you had to enter your personal data, indicate family members and annual income. Then I earned very little, about a thousand dollars a month. As a result, I indicated exactly 12 thousand income in the column, ”says Natalya Lyutova.
To become a participant in the lottery, Natalia did not pay a cent. She says that she chose those options that did not involve payment for the application. She did not have to send any copies of the documents. For a couple of months, the woman waited for the result, and then realized that winning the lottery would not work.
"I made a mistake. Of course, my English was difficult for me at that time. It turns out that the minimum income of a lottery participant should have been $ 25 thousand if you are applying for a modest studio. And then I indicated two times less. I think that the system didn’t even consider me, ”Natalya was upset then.
Now Natalia is renting a one-bedroom apartment for $ 1750 per month. She has a permanent job, but most of her salary is spent on rental housing. Therefore, the idea of a lottery did not let her. Lyutova again decided to try his luck.
“Having learned from bitter experience, I went to my profile and changed the data on the family's income. She has already bet $ 25 thousand and also indicated her daughter's income - about $ 5 thousand. I saw a list of new addresses and submitted several applications, ”a visiting Muscovite shares her experience.
Lyutova is looking forward to the victory, but doubts that she has great chances. According to Natalia, for example, in the Harlem area, which is located in Manhattan, she is unlikely to win, because there, in the first place, they consider applications from US citizens.
“I still believe and dream. An apartment for $ 800-900 would be fine for me. A very good price for Manhattan, ”Natalya Lyutova says hopefully.
However, Natalya is definitely right that the competition among the lottery participants is serious. In September last year, for example, about 200 thousand people applied for the 7 apartments in Brooklyn at 90 Dekalb Avenue.