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How to Become a NYC Police Officer: Requirements, Salary, and Fitness Test


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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Working with the NYPD is a guarantee of a competitive salary, career advancement, and secure retirement. On the site New York City Hall published data on the beginning of a new recruitment into the ranks of the NYPD.

Photo: Shutterstock

Legendary department

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) is the largest and one of the oldest municipalities in the United States. The New York City Police Department was founded in 1845 and today it is responsible for guarding the city of 8,5 million inhabitants.

The NYPD is divided into major law enforcement, investigative, and administrative bureaus. The NYPD has 77 patrol sites covering the entire city. The department also has 12 transit stations to control the subway system, as well as nine police stations (PSAs) to patrol the city's municipal housing estates, which are home to more than 400 residents.

As the mission of protection and service becomes more complex, the need for recruiting the police increases, and the department is now looking for new officers again.

How to Become a New York City Police Officer

Registration period for participation in the selection program: October 6 - November 3. You can subscribe to information about training and recruiting events here to register:.


Qualifying age: The minimum age to start police work is 21 years. However, candidates are eligible to take the entrance test at the age of seventeen and a half (17,5) years, but they are entitled to start operational work only after reaching the age of 21. Candidates can take the entrance exam before their 35th birthday.

Education: Applicants must earn 60 college credits with a minimum GPA of 2,0 from an accredited institution. Either candidates must complete 2 years of active military service in the US military.

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Citizenship: Applicant must be a US citizen, hold a valid New York City driver's license, and reside in one of the five boroughs or counties of Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, Westchester, Putnam, Orange for 30 days prior to being hired.

Disqualification: Candidates will be disqualified if they have been convicted of a felony, misconduct in connection with domestic violence, or discharged from the army in disgrace. Candidates may be disqualified if they have demonstrated a past lack of respect for the law, violent tendencies, or have been fired for misconduct or discipline.

The hiring process

The NYPD recruitment process requires the successful completion of the following steps:

  • Written Entrance Exam: Applicants must pass a written exam offered by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services to advance in the recruitment process
  • Medical Osmotr
  • Written and oral psychological examinations
  • Biographical check
  • Standard physical test for hiring (JST). Applicants are required to complete this continuous physical test in 4 minutes 28 seconds. JST includes: overcoming a barrier, climbing stairs, demonstrating the ability to physically restrain someone, running-chasing, dragging a 79-kg dummy 10,5 meters to simulate a rescue operation, simulate shooting from a firearm
  • Drug and alcohol test.

Standard physical test

All qualified candidates will be registered with Applicant Evaluation Center to pass the aforementioned exams. For any questions, please contact the Applicant Evaluation Center at (718) 312-4226 from 7:00 AM to 18:00 PM (Monday-Friday) or by email [email protected].

Salary and benefits

A career with the NYPD means getting a secure package of benefits that includes paid leave, paid sick leave, and retirement savings. In addition to wages, compensation includes seniority and vacation pay. The department also provides overtime opportunities.


Starting salary: $ 42
Salary in 5,5 years: $ 85

Including vacation pay, seniority pay, uniform allowance, night shifts and overtime pay, police officers can potentially earn more than $ 100 a year.

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Additional payments:

  • 27 paid vacation days after 5 years of service
  • Unlimited sick leave with full pay
  • Choice of medical benefit packages
  • Insurance covering prescription drugs, dental and ophthalmic services
  • Pension plans, 401K and IRA
  • Eligibility for early retirement with half salary after 22 years of service
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