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How to Choose a Water Filter: Tips and Helpful Resources


Olga Derkach

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As concerns about tap water quality continue to grow, manufacturers have introduced a variety of water filtration products to the market. Home water filters remove contaminants, but it can be difficult to know if you need a point-of-entry (POE) whole-home system or a point-of-use (POU) system. Just follow this step by step guide from Wikihowto find the best water filter for your home.

Assessing your water needs

Learn about POE and POU systems. These are the two types of water filters available for home use. POE systems treat all the water that enters your home and connects to a water meter or reservoir. POU systems, however, purify water at the point of consumption, such as a shower or sink.

POU filters can be attached outside or into the plumbing. POU filters that are installed in the pipe filter all the water passing through the pipe.

Learn about the different types of POU systems available. These types of filters are very common and come in a variety of formats. POU filters include pitcher filters, personal water bottles with built-in filters. They can be installed on the faucet or under the sink.

Find out what is polluting your water. This will help you decide if you need to target any specific contaminants when choosing a filtration system. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires water companies to submit an annual report (CCR) that analyzes water quality in your area.

If you want to test the water yourself, call the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791) for names of government-certified laboratories that can offer low-cost or free testing kits. you also can visit the websitefor more information.

Visible particles in your water can be rust or sediment, and homes that rely on wells often have bacteria in the water.

You may find that you don't need a water filter at all because your water is free of contaminants.

Assess your specific water filtration needs based on the contaminants in your water. If you have a family that drinks several gallons of water a day, one carafe filter will need to be constantly replenished, but a small family or couple's water needs can be met with a simple filter.

If the contaminants in your water are highly toxic, you'll probably want a POE filter to purify all of the water that enters your home.

On the subject: Can you drink tap water in New York: 10 facts about the city's water supply

On the other hand, if you're only filtering your water for taste, a POU filter on your faucet is enough.

Buying a home water filter

Choose a filter that is certified by an accredited American National Standards Institute (ANSI) certifying body to reduce contaminants. Now that you know what contaminants are in your water, and they can be different, you can buy a filter that will effectively purify your water. When choosing a filter, you can use WQA online database or NSFto see if the filters you are considering are certified. These databases will query the manufacturer, brand, and other information to verify the safety of the filter.

Enter all the required information after going to the database.

Don't choose a filter that isn't certified by the authority, and don't choose a filter that won't remove contaminants from your water.

Account for all service costs. Filters need to be replaced periodically to work properly, and the cost of replacing a filter can range from $20 to $400. Whether you shop online or in stores, the manufacturer's recommendations on when to change filters should be publicly available. You can also purchase a warranty and additional filters.

Install the filter according to the manufacturer's instructions. Many POE and POU systems will be easy to install, but you can also hire a professional to install the filter for you. Some POU filters require you to run some water through the filter before consuming the water. Read and follow all manufacturer's instructions when installing the filter.

Keep track of when your filter needs to be replaced. If you use a filter and don't change it when it needs to be replaced, your water will no longer be clean. Use a calendar or other reminder to keep track of when you need to change your filters.

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