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How to choose a school in New York: everything you need to know about the education system in the city and state


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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Choosing a place to study for a child is one of the most important parental decisions. Navigating among the variety of schools in New York is not easy, but you can do it. Especially after reading this article. So there is six basic forms of learningavailable to students in New York State.

Traditional public schools

Most children in New York (and in the US in general) attend standard public schools. They are free and open to everyone. They are run by school districts and funded by us taxpayers. Each year, New York City spends an average of $25 per public school student. On the site Project Nickel You can look at the costs of the New York State public school you are interested in.

On the subject: School for the little ones: how 3-K and Pre-K work in New York

In New York, each county decides for itself whether it will participate in open enrollment program (open enrollment). Open enrollment is beneficial for parents. It means that parents can send their children to any public school, no matter where it is located or how far the child lives.

If you would like to participate in open enrollment, please check with your local school district to see if this is available. If yes, then you will be able to visit and choose from a wider range of public schools. For example, the New York City Department of Education lists several reasonsfor which families can apply for a transfer to another school. These include the need to ensure accessibility for children with disabilities, a sibling's education in another school, difficulty moving or moving, and security considerations.

You can also visit New York State Department of Educationto learn about the admissions policy for non-resident schools in New York.

Charter Schools

This is another type of public school open to all students. Charter schools differ from traditional public schools in that they have the added freedom to innovate and set their own policies. As one parent of a New York City charter school student said, “There is a huge variety of charter schools… Look around to find the school that is best suited for your child’s education.”

In New York, charter schools are held accountable to the competent authorities for student achievement. If there are more families wishing to enroll in a charter school than there are places, then a lottery system is usually used.

The first charter school in New York opened in 1999 in Harlem. Today, there are over 350 charter schools in the state, many of which are located in New York City. The city currently has a cap that limits the number of charter school licenses.

Find out more about charter school opportunities in Northeast Charter Schools Network. If you live in the Buffalo area, you can apply to several charter schools at once for Enroll Buffalo Charters.

Specialized schools (Magnet schools)

These are free public schools that allow children to choose a specific area of ​​study. For example, a program of international relations or performing arts. In a specialized school, all subjects are taught through the prism of this particular direction. If there is a school near you with a topic your child is interested in, this might be a great option.

New York City has several specialty schools throughout the state. You can find them on the website NYC Magnet Schools. It collects information about the application and specializations of these schools in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan and Queens.

Other counties that have specialized schools or programs include − Rochester City School District и Buffalo School District.

Private schools

There are over 1 private schools in New York State. The average cost of education is $800 for elementary schools and $19 for secondary schools.

Private schools in New York use a variety of teaching methods. One of the private schools The Learning Tree Cultural Preparatory School, offers students an award-winning drumming program. And also annually takes eighth graders on international trips. “Our philosophy is that children from the backcountry should be able to experience everything that other children experience,” says the founder of the school, Lois Gregory.

Although there are no scholarships available in New York City to cover tuition at private schools, many of them partner with scholarship providers to make tuition available to all interested families.

In addition, students with disabilities in New York City may be eligible for private school fees or reimbursement. from the Department of Educationif there is no suitable public educational institution capable of meeting their special curriculum. According to the WNYC, “because children with disabilities are entitled to free and appropriate public education under federal law, the Department of Education may recommend a non-public school program if nearby public schools are unable to provide the services provided for your child in his or her individual training program".

Online Learning

Online learning is sometimes overlooked. But it offers a uniquely flexible learning environment that meets a wide variety of needs. If your child wants to speed up the learning process or needs a more relaxed environment, you might be interested in trying a virtual school.

State of New York announced plans open two fully virtual schools. Initially, only ninth-graders will study in these schools. But gradually they will expand to other classes. While New York is currently one of the most limited states in terms of online learning opportunities, students in some districts, especially those with medical exceptions, can access distance learning programs.

Keep in mind that there are some paid online school options that are available to students in New York and all 50 states of America. These include George Washington University Online High School, Keystone school и private academy K12.

In addition, many schools have the opportunity to study part-time. For example, New York City has a digital learning program iLearnNYC. It allows students from participating schools to take special online courses that are not available at their regular school.

Homeschooling in New York

Homeschooling is another schooling option in all 50 states. This is the process when parents teach students at home.

In New York City, a notice of intent to homeschool must be submitted within 14 days of the start of a child's education, and then renewed annually by July 1st. Families residing in New York must apply to the New York Department of Education Office of Homeschooling. Families outside of New York must apply to the District Superintendent. For homeschooling, families should also submit annual individual home study plan and quarterly reports.

Homeschooling parents are required to teach certain subjects (such as reading, writing, and physical education) and evaluate their child's progress annually. Unfortunately, homeschooled children may face barriers if they choose to participate in sports or public school events in New York City. But you can look for other sports sections near you.

In the event that you decide to return to a public school, the school will determine your student's placement based on your records, grades, and the principal's decision.

If you are looking for a flexible and personalized education for your child and think homeschooling might be a good fit, check out these resources about homeschooling in new york.

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