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How to choose wine for mulled wine: quick tips and recipes from a sommelier


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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Sommelier Anna Evgenia Yanchenko wrote a guide on how to choose wine for mulled wine, reports LIGA Life.

Remember your daily life “until 2022” and how in the fall, walking around the city, you enjoyed mulled wine. A hot drink will come in handy now. It is even convenient to store it in a thermos and treat your friends to it.

There is no one specific recipe for mulled wine. The Greeks started making it. And since then, each culture has changed the recipe in its own way. But there are three main rules for this drink - it should be:

  • sweet
  • hot
  • concentrated.

On the subject: Top 5 wineries on Long Island to visit in the fall

As for wines for mulled wine, there are also three rules:

1. Do not take expensive wine, because it is illogical. You will lose the true taste of wine due to the rich shades of fruits and spices.

2. But do not take too cheap wine. It is better to choose the simplest bottles for mulled wine from those that you have drunk before.

3. Do not use sweet or semi-sweet wines either. It is better to add sugar or honey to taste yourself.

We offer two recipes for mulled wine - from red and white wines. They are, of course, varied. So - experiment!

1. Classic red mulled wine

Photo: IStock
  • red table wine (dry) - 750 ml
  • honey - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • lemon, apple, orange - 1 pc.
  • grated ginger - 1 tsp
  • nutmeg - ¼ tsp
  • 2 cinnamon sticks and cloves - to taste

In a saucepan, mix spices and grated ginger. Then add 100 ml of water, boil quickly and strain. Leave in a saucepan.

Cut the fruit, open the wine and add everything to the broth of spices. Now heat the mixture over low heat, but do not bring to a boil.

2. White mulled wine

Photo: IStock
  • dry white wine - 750 ml
  • apple juice - 500 ml
  • honey - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • lemon, apple, orange - 1 pc.
  • grated ginger - 1 tsp
  • nutmeg - ¼ tsp
  • 2 cinnamon sticks and cloves - to taste

Mix spices, ginger and 100 ml of water, boil and strain the broth. Add chopped fruits, juice, wine and heat well, but do not boil.

Whichever recipe you choose, keep in mind: when heating mulled wine, you need to make sure that it does not boil, because when boiling, the taste deteriorates significantly.

This is the only strict rule for making mulled wine. All other ingredients can be changed according to preference. For example, the proposed fruits can be safely replaced with your favorite ones.

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