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What New York looks like after 4 months of quarantine: amazing shots of the city


Vita Popova

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Quarantine in New York has been going on for more than four months. Today, the metropolis still looks deserted, and the windows of luxury shops are clogged with plywood due to protests. In this publication we will tell (and show) what a city looks like today that never sleeps.

When the coronavirus pandemic swept New York in March, many did not believe the situation was serious enough. Crowds gradually disappeared from the streets of New York, access to popular attractions was restricted, department stores were closed. But even then there were many skeptics who did not believe that coronavirus existed in principle.

Not much time passed, after which it became clear: everything is serious, but quarantined for a sufficiently long period.

Later quarantine effects almost all the inhabitants of the city could feel on themselves (those who had the opportunity to leave the metropolis probably felt less impact of the restrictions associated with it).

Today, the metropolis is still quarantined. The restrictions affected all areas of business that were not considered vital, which affected the appearance of the city. Restaurants, for a long time only delivered products to customers and sold food with them. Recently, they were able to open summer areas, so that citizens have more places to relax in the fresh air.

On the subject: How a family from Russia is quarantined in New York: “everything is not so terrible as they describe”

However, many luxury boutiques located in different parts of the Big Apple are still forced to remain closed. Most of the windows are protected by plywood - the effects of protests that swept across America, including New York, after the death of African-American George Floyd.

Here's what Gotham looks like these days.

Photo: ForumDaily

There are far fewer people on the streets than usual.

Photo: ForumDaily

There are few cars on the road.

Photo: ForumDaily
Photo: ForumDaily

The windows of shops, hotels and other businesses are crammed with plywood sheets - apparently the business is still afraid of looters.

Photo: ForumDaily

Photo: ForumDaily

Photo: ForumDaily

Photo: ForumDaily

This is how the windows of the Saks Fifth Avenue department store look.

Photo: ForumDaily

And here is the Zara store.

Photo: ForumDaily

Louis Vuitton.

Photo: ForumDaily

Many stores remain closed.

Photo: ForumDaily

Photo: ForumDaily

Others are still trying to stay afloat.

Photo: ForumDaily

Many buildings in the city are decorated with graffiti.

Photo: ForumDaily

Photo: ForumDaily

Photo: ForumDaily

Advertising in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Photo: ForumDaily

Photo: ForumDaily

And here is a popular New York landmark - Radio City Music Hall, located in Rockefeller Center between Fifth and Seventh Avenues.

This is what Times Square looks like today - an area in central Manhattan, located at the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue.

Photo: ForumDaily

If you're curious to see how New York quarantine looks like from a bird's eye view, follow the link.

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