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Fall Foliage in New York: This Map Shows When and Where to See the Trees


ForumDaily New York

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Autumn is almost here! Perhaps the best way to enjoy the autumn weather is to admire the leaves.

There is a handy online tool for this. It shows exactly where and when the foliage will reach its peak beauty.

Interactive map It's pretty easy to use. Scroll through the date bar at the bottom of the map, and you'll notice how the colors change in each state from green (meaning no change in foliage) to dark brown (past the peak of fall foliage color change).

Right now in the northern United States, including New York, the leaves are just starting to change color.

Screenshot from foliage map

The Best Time to View Fall Foliage in New York

According to the map, the residents New York You will start to notice minimal or minor changes in leaf color in the next couple of weeks. Peak season will occur between late September and early October. Most likely, the peak will be by mid-October.

You only have a few weeks to enjoy autumn properly, so take advantage of this opportunity. Check out the above map to see nature in all its glory. more beautiful.

Be sure to scroll further to learn more scientific facts about foliage and what actually happens when the seasons change.

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