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Campsite with wolves: you can spend the night with a pack of wild animals near New York City


Olga Derkach

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Now you can add a sleepover with wolves to your wish list - just an hour and twenty minutes from New York, you can camp next to a pack of wolves. Edition Secret nyc told about this new interesting form of leisure.

The Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) provides guests with the opportunity to camp outdoors with over 30 wolves that make the WCC their home.

The wolves are actually separated from the guests. You won't have direct physical contact with them, but you will be able to see them all.

On the subject: Camping Without Leaving New York: Spend the Night Under the Stars in a Luxury Tent on Governors Island

Plus, according to their Instagram, some very adorable wolf cubs have now arrived.

Unusual overnight stay is available every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from May to October. It includes much more than just a night of camping.

The price of admission includes a pizza party in the presence of the Alava and Nikaya wolf ambassadors, the opportunity to see the potentially endangered red and Mexican gray wolves. And in the evening, a movie under the stars awaits you in the Alava and Nikaya enclosure, as well as snacks by the fire, along with a light breakfast the next morning.

Tents are available (for groups of 2 or more), guests are advised to bring the following:

  • sleeping bag and mat;
  • pillow;
  • bug spray;
  • torch;
  • toiletries (say, a toothbrush and toothpaste);
  • additional snacks (optional);
  • camera (you will probably want to capture this moment).

Overnight stays are $340 for a 4-person tent (can accommodate 2-4 people) and $150 for a single person (single guests must bring their own tent).

In addition to the Sleeping with Wolves experience, the Wolf Conservation Center offers scouting, virtual, school/educational programs and even a summer camp for kids.

The mission of Wolf Conservation is to promote the survival of wolves. You can learn more about the work she does on the website. here, and more information about Sleeping with Wolves can be found at link.

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