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Whooping cough outbreak in New York: cases up 300% in a year


ForumDaily New York

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Whooping cough cases have spiked in New York City this year, with 427 cases reported in the city in 2024, up from 159 in the same period last year, the state Pix11.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cases of whooping cough have increased 169% this year compared to 2023.

New York State as a whole has seen even more cases this year, according to the CDC. spike whooping cough.

Cases have risen more than 300%. New Jersey has seen a much smaller increase, with just 128 cases this year compared to 110 last year.

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In total, more than 2024 cases of whooping cough will be registered in the country in 11, compared with just over 000 in 3000.

Whooping cough is very infected and can cause a cough that lasts for weeks or even months, as well as a runny nose, low-grade fever, exhaustion, coughing fits and vomiting.

New York City school students are required to have a pertussis vaccine for elementary school and a booster shot for middle and high school.

Adults are also encouraged to get vaccinated, especially if they interact with infants under 1 year of age.

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