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How to Celebrate New Year's Eve in Brooklyn: Ideas for Corporate Events and Parties with Friends


ForumDaily New York

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There are a couple of weeks left until Christmas and New Year. Of course, during the holiday season, everyone's attention is focused on Manhattan. There, too, New York's main Christmas treeand Christmas window displays shops, and the iconic Times Square New Year's Eve party will take place there. But if you're looking for a fun night out with co-workers or friends in Brooklyn, the borough has plenty to offer, too.

Relax in the restaurant

Restaurant LOFT by Hot Potato (109 Oriental Blvd) is the perfect place for a festive get-together with a large group in Brooklyn. You can organize a corporate event for colleagues or just relax with family and friends.

During the festive season, the restaurant offers parties for large and small companies with live music, DJ and dancing! Of course, the entertainment is accompanied by exquisite cuisine, which LOFT is famous for, excellent drinks and an open bar.

For reservations, call 718-975-7990.

Show your ingenuity in the quest room

beat the bomb (255 Water Street) is a really cool escape room in Brooklyn where winners are rewarded and losers are turned into Christmas decorations. Well, almost... If you lose, a paint "bomb" explodes in the room and all participants turn into bright and festive little people in colorful overalls (overalls and masks are provided).

To win and defuse the bomb, participants must solve several puzzles while dodging lasers. Groups can choose one of two missions: for beginners and for advanced players.

If bombs and paint are not your thing, you can visit Room Quest (a very technological quest room for horror lovers) or Brooklyn Escape Room (one of the most difficult quest rooms, where players find themselves locked in a mysterious house and, under the guidance of a spirit guide, look for clues that will help solve the puzzle).

Have fun outdoors

Go sledding in the parks

If there is snow, then the whole huge company of relatives, friends or colleagues can come to the park and go sledding. In Brooklyn, this is possible in nine parks:

Drone show in Prospect Park

You can just gather a group and not plan anything at all, but come to the New Year celebration at Grand Army Plaza. It will start on December 31 at 22:00, there will be concerts, treats, competitions, and then a drone light show.

They will turn the night sky into a canvas with sparkling images of New York landmarks (Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty, etc.) The impressions will last a long time for your whole company.

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