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The Best Books of 2024: The New York Public Library's List


ForumDaily New York

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Every year, the New York Public Library compiles its list of the best books of the year. The list covers a variety of categories. Time-out talks about the favorites of 20024.

Given the experience of librarians and their ongoing interaction with readers, the New York Public Library's rankings are becoming important and authoritative leadership.

10 Best Books for Adults

  1. The Black Utopians: Searching for Paradise and the Promised Land in America, Aaron Robertson.
  2. The Familiar, Leigh Bardugo.
  3. The God of the Woods, Liz Moore.
  4. I Was Working, Ariel Yelen.
  5. The Light Eaters: How the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence Offers a New Understanding of Life on Earth, Zoë Schlanger.
  6. Rare Flavors, Ram V.
  7. Small Rain, Garth Greenwell.
  8. A Sunny Place for Shady People: Stories, Mariana Enriquez.
  9. You Dreamed of Empires, Álvaro Enrigue.
  10. You Should Be So Lucky, Cat Sebastian.

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10 Best Books for Teens

  1. Bright Red Fruit, Safia Elhillo.
  2. Canto Cantigo, Jonny Garza Villa.
  3. The Deep Dark, Molly Knox Ostertag.
  4. Dragonfruit, Makiia Lucier.
  5. Gachiakuta, Volume 1, Kei Urana and Hideyoshi Andou.
  6. How the Boogeyman Became a Poet, Tony Keith, Jr.
  7. Leap, Simina Popescu.
  8. Looking for Smoke, KA Cobell.
  9. The No-Girlfriend Rule, Christen Randall.
  10. Snowglobe, Soyoung Park.

10 Best Books for Children

  1. Aloha Everything, Kaylin Melia George.
  2. Detective Beans and the Case of the Missing Hat, Li Chen.
  3. Everywhere Beauty Is Harlem: The Vision of Roy DeCarava, Gary Golio.
  4. Godfather Death, Sally Nicholls.
  5. Made in Asian America: A History for Young People, Erika Lee and Christina Soontornvat.
  6. Mallory in Full Color, Elisa Stone Leahy.
  7. Mishka, Edward van de Vendel and Anoush Elma.
  8. The Spindle of Fate, Aimee Lim.
  9. We Are Definitely Human, X. Fang.
  10. When I Wrap My Hair, Shauntay Grant.
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