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New York's Best Restaurants with Outdoor Seating: Competition Winners Announced


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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More than 11 restaurants throughout New York City currently offer outdoor dining areas. The best of them were determined within the framework of the city competition, the results of which were shared by the publication 6sqft.

Photo: Shutterstock

Seven establishments have been recognized as the best examples of outdoor dining in the city's first ever Alfresco Awards. It was organized by a group of local non-profit organizations. Also, within the framework of the competition, the best open streets of the city were determined (those that were closed for cars, transferring them to use exclusively for pedestrians).

The awards are being awarded through the City's Open Restaurants and Open Streets programs, which were launched in response to the pandemic and will now become permanent in New York City.

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The winners of the first ever Alfresco award were chosen by journalists, restaurant professionals and pedestrian rights activists. Each winner received $ 500. The jury selected the winners, evaluating the restaurant's creative approach to the design of the outdoor area, the use of environmentally friendly materials, as well as accessibility and integration in the area.

Winners of the competition

The following restaurants have won the 2021 Alfresco Award:

  • Boogie down grind (868 Hunts Point Avenue, Bronx)
  • Blend Astoria (37-17 30th, Queens)
  • Peaches Kitchen & Bar (393 Lewis Avenue, Brooklyn)
  • Kokomo (65 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn)
  • Vinum (704 Bay Street, Staten Island)
  • Empire Diner (210 10th Avenue, Manhattan)
  • Casa La Femme (140 Charles Street, Manhattan)
Photo: Shutterstock

Prizes for the best Open Streets programs were awarded to the following initiatives:

  • 34th Avenue in Queens
  • Piazza di Belmont in the Bronx
  • TAMA Sundays in Brooklyn
  • Stapleton Saturdays in Staten Island

“Today is a celebration of al fresco dining and open streets, and honoring how New Yorkers have come together in one of our darkest hours to make our city more resilient, fair and accessible,” said Tom Wright, President of the Regional Planning Association. ...

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“We congratulate all the winners on the victory in the tough competition between the establishments that brought creative and innovative projects to life. All the winners are real examples of how to organize outdoor dining and outdoor streets at their best, ”added Wright.

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