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Airbnb recreated the mansion from 'X-Men': how to book it


ForumDaily New York

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Airbnb, as part of its new Icons project, has begun recreating iconic locations from films and more. You can book the X-Men '97 mansion, which features a training room and more, reports IGN.

The mansion is located in New York and is stylized as the Xavier Institute from X-Men '97.

The design is made in a cartoon style - there are rooms for all the characters and even a training room.


Airbnb X-Mansion has many different activities, including:

  • train in The War Room with professional stunt coordinators;
  • try on the Cerebro helmet;
  • make a potion in the Beast's laboratory;
  • recreate the famous Wolverine meme photo;
  • receive a diploma of higher education in the office of Professor X.

Before you leave, you'll be briefed on your new mutant powers and given an official diploma and a class photo. How much does rent cost in New York, read our article.

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To recreate the X-Men mansion, Airbnb hand painted every pillar and room in the house. This creates the feeling that visitors are walking through a 2D animated world. Each prop in Airbnb's X-Men project took over an hour to paint. In which areas of New York you can bargain profitably and reduce the price of rental housing, we wrote in our material.


Booking an X-Mansion from Airbnb costs $97 per guest. Eight visitors can be accommodated in four bedrooms with two bathrooms.

Reservations opened on on May 1, with stay dates beginning in June.

You can book a house here. When attempting to book, you will need to indicate your preferred dates of stay, number of guests, and answer the question why you want to travel to this location. Airbnb will randomly select potential guests and invite them to book a property.

Reservation requests will be accepted until May 23, 59 at 13:2024 pm PT.

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