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The boy fell on the subway tracks in Brooklyn and miraculously survived thanks to his ingenuity


Alina Prikhodko

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At the Metropolitan Avenue-Lorimer Street station, a 12-year-old boy fell onto the tracks as the L train approached the stop. According to ABC7NY, the child managed to avoid a collision with the train.

An MTA spokesman said the train driver saw what was happening and slammed on the brakes as the train pulled into the station. The boy slipped under the platform canopy and one carriage passed him before the train came to a complete stop. Not every station has such space under the platform where you can hide. The child received minor injuries and was immediately provided with medical assistance.

“The fact that he thought of hiding on the side was very smart because I don't think most people know that there's a space there to hide if, unfortunately, you fall or get pushed,” said subway rider Eric Brady .

According to the MTA, with an average of more than 75 people killed on the tracks each year, they are testing metal barriers. Currently they are installed in only two stations - to add another additional layer of protection against falls.

“We hear from customers that they feel safer. We're going to try it out and see if it works,” said NYC Transit President Richard Davey. How exactly the boy fell has not yet been determined.

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