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Ten disgusting actions of New York subway passengers: what should be banned instead of masks


ForumDaily New York

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New York Governor Kathy Hochul has proposed banning the use of masks on the subway. She says this will help identify troublemakers more easily. Time-out talks about what, according to citizens and experts, really needs to be banned in the subway.

The idea of ​​a mask ban also appears to have support from Mayor Eric Adams.
“It’s all about getting it right,” Adams said. – I support the decision to stop wearing masks in our Metro, using them at protests and other places where it is not related to health."

Although masks have been banned in public places in New York City since the 1800s, the law was suspended in 2020 during the pandemic. It's over, but many New Yorkers are still wearing masks. New York City has had several air quality warnings this summer, forcing vulnerable residents to put on face masks again.

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What else, according to townspeople and experts, should be banned in Metro New York?

1. Music or TikTok through speakers and speakers

A trip on the subway is already a sensory overload. When we hear terrible music coming from the phone or speaker, or someone scrolling through TikTok, it's too much.

2. Vapes

Smoking is prohibited in the subway, but some vapers believe that their smoke is odorless.

3. Food with a strong smell

We understand that sometimes circumstances force us to eat on the go, but if the food has a strong smell, please be kind to those around you.

4. Nail trimming

From time to time we see someone cutting their nails on the subway. It's disgusting. In fact, everything that can be classified as human waste should be prohibited in the subway. Let's do these procedures at home!

5. Large groups of middle school students

Middle school students were terrible when we were in high school. Now they just remind us of those awkward (read: terrible) times. They are loud, obnoxious and just as angry. We just want to disappear when they enter the subway in large groups.

6. Gluteal Grip

Standing on the subway is not the easiest thing. But when someone rests their butt on the handrail, and other people then hold on to this place, it is very, very ugly.

7. The smell of sweat

In such confined spaces, everyone should use deodorant. Nothing makes you feel sick like the smell of sweat!

8. Spitting

Not a day goes by that we don't see signs of someone's bad upbringing on the platform. Doing something like that in public places is simply disgusting!

9. Public displays of affection

We all love a good romantic story. But no one wants to watch passionate displays of feelings in a subway car.

10. Pet snakes and rats

Exotic pets have long been a sign of an eccentric character. But not everyone likes to ride next to these animals.

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