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Child Dies While Riding on Roof of Subway Car: Sixth Such Death in 2024


ForumDaily New York

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An 11-year-old schoolboy died in the New York subway due to his passion for train surfing (riding on the outside of trains). The teenager hit his head on a beam, reports NYPost.

On the morning of September 16, a child was riding on the roof of a G train and was hit head about the bastard as the train pulled into the Smith-Ninth Street station in Brooklyn.

Subway service was noticeably disrupted. Police were investigating the crash, so trains were stopped between Bedford-Nostrand and Church Avenue stations.

On the subject: Man Stabs Teenager With Knife On New York Subway

This is not an isolated incident, but a disturbing trend. Teenagers on the subway often film their dangerous exploits for viral videos on social media. The reckless antics have already claimed six lives this year.

In July, a 15-year-old died while hitchhiking in the Rockaway metro area.

Two teenagers were injured (one of them fatally) while hitchhiking in the subway back in June.

That same June, a 14-year-old boy was injured in Queens when he also hit his head on a beam.

At least five people died while hooking up in the subway in 2023.

The trend has prompted state and city leaders to launch a public information campaign to educate teens about the dangers of such behavior. But the number of incidents appears to have increased in the past year, according to the NYPD.

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