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Man and woman sneak into empty subway train and cause accident


ForumDaily New York

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On September 12, just after midnight, a man and a woman boarded an empty train at the Briarwood subway station in Queens. The pair operated it for a short time and caused a collision. The locomotive was damaged, according to NBC.

There were no reports of casualties.

The suspects fled.

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The CCTV footage shows a man wearing a blue T-shirt, red shorts and carrying a black backpack. The woman was wearing a pink shower cap, a pink sleeveless shirt, pink shorts and carrying a pink handbag.

It is unclear how the couple ended up on the empty train. Metro and how these two managed to manage the team.

Anyone with information about this incident may call the NYPD Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or in Spanish: 1-888-57-PISTA (74782).

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