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Russian-speaking New York Assembly member invites to watch Trump-Harris debate with beer and jokes


ForumDaily New York

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Russian-speaking member of the New York State Assembly Mikhail Novakhov (Republican), as well as journalist and CEO of the Russian-language American radio station Freedom 104-7 FM, invites everyone to a joint viewing of the debates between US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

“I guarantee laughter through tears,” Mikhail wrote on his Facebook page.

Event details:

  • Place: Boardwalk Beer Garden. Boardwalk, between 4 and 6 Brighton.
  • Date and Time: Tuesday, September 10th, 21:00. Doors open at 20:00.
  • Cost: $25 (donation to Mikhail Novakhov's election campaign).

You'll get your first beer as a gift from the Boardwalk Beer Garden. The debate will be shown on a giant screen.

On the subject: Political visionary: Brooklyn man created HarrisWalz domain back in 2020 and now sells it for $15

If you have already donated $25 or more to Michael's campaign, or donate by September 10th, you don't have to pay to enter!

You will receive beer as a gift from Boardwalk Beer Garden in any case.

You can donate here right now or already at the bar.

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