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Opinion of an immigrant: what would I transfer from Russia to America and vice versa


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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When you move to a new country, you involuntarily draw parallels with your homeland. Milana immigrated to America from Samara. She is on her blog50 shades of New York” shared her opinion on what she would transfer from Russia to the USA and vice versa.

“$12 for two small burritos!” - she compared Russia and America when her family had just moved across the ocean.

“The cost of prepared food in New York is noticeably higher. Of course, I oppose the catering of the metropolis only Samara cafes and shops, I have been to the capital and St. Petersburg only a few times, ”the girl shares.

She and her husband constantly looked into the pancake shop not far from the house where her parents live. The taste of pancakes and pancakes with jam, honey and chocolate was amazing. And this is for a symbolic amount that any student could afford.

America is also full of fast food and delicious pastries, but you have to fork out. Muffins, chocopais, cheesecakes, macarons are not cheap. The couple decided to do this: try something, and then master the recipe to bake a treat at home.

Of course, living in the USA is quite comfortable. But at first there were difficulties to overcome. And here non-standard thinking, unusual for Americans, was extremely helpful.

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“My friend Ashley came over to visit one day and found me boiling cauliflower in an electric kettle. We had not yet purchased a steamer at that time, and the burners were occupied by pots of potatoes and soup. The native American raised her eyebrows and said that none of her friends would have thought of such a thing! I replied that you need to skillfully use all available resources, ”recalls Milana.

According to the girl, life in the USA is much better equipped

And she also likes the attitude towards the younger generation. Adults try not to interfere once again in the life of a son or daughter. They step aside so that the teenager understands exactly what to do.

But this does not apply to extreme situations. For example, we have always taught children that informing on friends is ugly.

“Recently, a brother from Samara called me. Excited, he said that his youngest daughter had been terrorized by classmates for almost a month. They lay in wait for her after school, demanded that she hand over her pen, even threw stones,” she said.

All this time, the girl was silent, because the abusers convinced her that it was impossible to complain about her own. When everything turned out, the indignant parents gathered to cuff the molesters, but then the teachers arrived in time.

In the States, this simply would not happen. Here, students are told from childhood that conflicts should always be told to adults.

And Americans firmly believe in the power of their state. Social assistance here is simply gorgeous by our standards, so some visitors are not even in a hurry to find a job.

Elderly Americans are surrounded by care and attention, millions of students are educated in colleges and universities, science and industry are developing at a rapid pace.

“All this makes Americans feel great about their nation and, frankly, I don’t want to argue with them,” Milana admitted.

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