Young homeless people in New York will be paid $ 1250 a month
Lyudmila Balabay
Young homeless people in New York will soon receive $ 1 a month with no commitment. These payments will be carried out as part of an experiment supported by the city hall. The purpose of the experiment is to test whether homeless people use this money to get off the streets and try to find work. The publication told more about the initiative. New York Post.
The Trust Youth Initiative, partly funded by the mayor's office, will start with 40 homeless people between the ages of 18 and 24. It primarily targets blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, and LGBTQ people among the homeless. They will receive $ 1 monthly for up to two years with no restrictions on how they spend it. Larger advance payments for rental housing are also possible.
City officials said a "rigorous appraisal" of the study's findings would then "compare the results and experiences" of this target group with other homeless people receiving less scholarships or just regular homeless services such as access to shelters.
“The project aims to improve the permanent living conditions and well-being of young people by providing funds that give them the opportunity to rent a house or invest in their own goals, education or career growth,” the mayor's office said.
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At later stages, the project will expand to “significantly more young homeless people,” the mayor's office said, without specifying the exact numbers. In total, the initiative will cost $ 2,5 million, of which $ 200 will come from the city's budget and another $ 000 from the New York City Mayor's Fund for Development, led by First Lady Chirlane McCray. The rest comes from private donations from various trusts and foundations.
The research initiative was developed by Chapin Hall of the University of Chicago and Point Source Youth.
“Contrary to popular belief, research shows that remittances to people in difficulty do not waste money, increase substance use or decrease motivation to work,” the initiative's authors said in a statement. - Estimates showed that beneficiaries spend most of their cash aid on meeting their basic needs. Financial support helps people get education and better jobs. Such programs tend to reduce risky behavior and negative health effects. ”