Ice cream, sausage, champagne: how the USSR borrowed American food technologies, and then bragged about them
Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin
Soviet ice cream was invented by the Americans, the newspaper says "Reviewer" with a link to the blog Maxim Mirovich on Facebook... But Soviet ice cream is not the only Soviet product that is not entirely Soviet ... In order not to completely confuse you, we will tell you about everything in order.
American Ice Cream in the Land of the Councils
The most successful product of the USSR is ice cream. But he was brought to the Union from America. People's Commissar for the Food Industry Anastas Mikoyan brought from America not only ice cream. In 1936 Mikoyan visited the United States with the aim of "seeing what they have there and then doing the same with us." He stayed in the States for several months. As he wrote in his memoirs, acquaintance with ice cream "was of great benefit."
“The challenge was to develop machine production and make ice cream cheap and affordable. We have a widespread demand for it, it is now eaten with pleasure at home and on the street, in cinema and theaters, in summer and winter. As a result, we brought from the USA all the technology for the industrial production of ice cream, ”he boasted.
The finished production cycle was exported to the USSR, and Mikoyan personally selected the best species. Most loved ice cream, creamy and milk, popsicle, crème brulee, vanilla and popsicles.
Not only the production cycle was borrowed, but also the idea of selling ice cream from special refrigerators on the street.
The same Soviet canteen was also brought from the “rotting West”. In 1958, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev visited the IBM plant in the United States. The Americans invited him in the hope of cooperation in the IT sphere, but what impressed Khrushchev most of all was not the computers, but the factory canteen.
Everything we know from Soviet canteens was in the IBM canteen. Light tables and chairs (for cleaning), plastic trays, glass shelves for bread and salads. So in the 1960s and 70s, the "Soviet public catering" appeared. I mean canteens.
Even some cooking ideas were borrowed from the USA. For example, baking cutlets on large baking sheets is convenient for conveyor service.
The food, invented by the Americans, easily took root in the USSR. And Forum Daily New York talked about how Americans reacted to Russian food.
Doctoral at 2,20
Oh, this sausage, for which it's not a pity to give up 2,20! But alas, she is also from America. Everyone admires the sausage made according to GOST, but the Union authorities also borrowed it from the United States.
Mikoyan, staying in the United States for a long time, visited many factories. And having once tasted boiled sausage, he ordered the purchase of equipment. An order was also given to create meat-packing plants for the production of cooked doctor's sausages.
In the Soviet Union, only the name “Doctor's” was invented for the sausage, supposedly this was to emphasize its dieteticity and usefulness. By the way, if you miss our food, then New York has the shopswhere you can buy it.
Mayonnaise, champagne, biscuits, chocolate, sweets, tomato juice ...
In 1939, the USSR published the "Book of Delicious and Healthy Food", which included mayonnaise, tomato juice, chocolate, biscuits and champagne. It was American scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs who came up with, developed the production cycle and started selling all these things. The USSR then simply "adopted" them.
Interestingly, in the “Book of Tasty and Healthy” itself, not a word is said about the fact that Soviet citizens should thank the Americans for all these new products.