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Almost all of New York's bridges are in need of repair, and one in ten is dangerous


ForumDaily New York

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Almost every bridge in New York City is in need of repair. 10% of all the city's bridges have serious structural problems, reports New York Post.

A report from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association says New York state ranks 11th in the nation for blighted roads. bridgesAlmost every one of them in the state, 99,46%, needs some kind of repair.

And nearly 10% of New York State's 17 bridges are so bad that they're classified as "structurally deficient" (bridges that might not withstand increased loads or an earthquake).

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The worst 10% of bridges are all in New York City. The hall of shame includes parts of I-95 and the Bruckner Expressway in the Bronx, as well as the infamous section of the BQE on Brooklyn Promenade.

According to the report, Iowa ranked first, with 20 percent of the state's bridges classified as deficient. West Virginia ranked second, followed by South Dakota, Maine, Rhode Island, Puerto Rico, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Michigan and North Dakota.

The term "imperfect designs" means that one of the key elements design The bridge's deck, superstructure, foundation or culverts are assessed as poor.

"This does not mean the bridge is in danger of collapse," said ARTBA chief economist Alison Black.

According to her, officials are reducing the weight loads before the structure is close to collapse.

"If there are any concerns about the safety of the bridge during the inspection process, you'll see officials close a lane of the bridge or reduce the weight of trucks that can drive on it. These measures reduce the load on the bridge," Black explained.

The situation worsens

17 of New York City's 548 bridges need some kind of repair.

The problem is getting worse. This year, the state has declared 68 more bridges structurally unsound than last year.

New York State is currently eligible for $1,2 billion in funding under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The state has only committed about $46,5 million of the required funds so far. The state still has until 2026 to spend the rest.

A state Department of Transportation spokesman said the money will be distributed to more than 235 separate local bridge projects through the Bridge NY program.

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