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New York Celebrities Take to the Streets to Clean Up Trash: How to Join Them


ForumDaily New York

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City Hall will hold the second annual Great Broadway Sweep event to clean up the streets of New York City. People can join celebrities to clean up the city of trash, reports AmNY.

Most Big Apple residents would agree that garbage harms their neighborhoods in many ways. It creates problems for animals and ruins the appearance of the streets. But now the city will clean up the streets with the help of some famous people and New Yorkers during the 2nd annual Great Broadway Sweep.

The Sanitation Foundation, the official nonprofit arm of the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY), will be removing litter from city streets as part of the Mayor’s Office’s efforts to promote cleanliness, environmental responsibility, and waste reduction. The event will take place during Climate Week NYC from September 21 to October 6.

The program kicks off in Brooklyn on Saturday, September 21, hosted by Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter and actress Coco Jones. They will be joined by TV producer and star Andy Cohen on Tuesday, September 24, in Union Square.

On the subject: New Yorkers are urged to report neighbors who litter on the sidewalks: a 'wall of shame' has been created for slobs

“The Sanitation Foundation proudly supports both the New York City Department of Sanitation and our dedicated volunteers in their mission to keep our city clean,” said Caryl Englander, chair of the Sanitation Foundation. “However, this important work would be made much easier if all property owners met their legal obligations to maintain cleanliness.” sidewalks».

Pollution of local water bodies

According to environmental studies, New York City, despite its beautiful parks and natural areas, is overwhelmed with trash and waste. Figures show that residents produce about 12 tons of waste every day.

Street litter has a detrimental effect on animals, especially aquatic animals. Rainwater washes it into nearby storm drains, and from there it can end up in local water bodies. Sometimes animals mistake litter for food, causing their health to deteriorate, illness to develop, and even death.

Volunteers needed

Volunteers are needed in each area to collect trash. All necessary tools and equipment will be provided. Each cleanup event will feature special guests, live music, entertainment and, of course, lots of eco-fun.

NYC Great Broadway Sweep schedule:

  • Sat, Sept. 21 - Williamsburg, Brooklyn; 11:00 a.m. - 13:00 p.m.;
  • Tue, Sept. 24 - Union Square, Manhattan; 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.;
  • Wed, Sept. 25—Flatiron, Manhattan; 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.;
  • Thu, Sept. 26 - Columbus Circle, Manhattan; 14:00 PM - 16:00 PM;
  • Sat, Sept. 28 - Marble Hill, Bronx; 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.;
  • Sat, Oct 5 - Elmhurst, Queens; 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.;
  • Sun, Oct 6 - West Brighton, Staten Island; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.

The Union Square cleanup will focus on food waste and will feature experts, a presentation, demonstrations and giveaways.

Volunteers should wear comfortable clothes that they don't mind getting dirty, and closed-toe shoes. Children are welcome to participate, but must be accompanied by an adult.

More than 500 volunteers took part in the first NYC Great Broadway Sweep, collecting over a ton of trash in nine locations.

The Great Broadway Sweep is one of many events and activities taking place during Climate Week NYC, and Climate Week is one of the largest environmental events of the year.

You can register for the Great Broadway Sweep here.

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