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A girl who visited almost all the museums in New York compiled a list of the best of them


ForumDaily New York

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A New Yorker has set herself the goal of visiting all the museums in the city and has almost completed this task. On your site and on social networks she talks about the most unique and underrated of them.

Like many people, 25-year-old Jane August needed to keep herself busy during the COVID-19 pandemic. And she decided to visit all the museums in New York.

“Museums are cool, fun and accessible”

August was always a goal-oriented person and loved lists. In 2021, she found a list of all the museums in New York and began visiting them one by one.

It was then that the girl discovered that none of the “complete” lists of the city’s museums were actually complete. Many of them do not include points of interest, e.g. Museum of Ice Cream.

So August decided to create your own list.

Now there are 190 museums on her list, 115 of which she has already visited. Augusta began document your journey on TikTokto inspire others. Now she has become the network's "museum girl."

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“I have no art education. “I’m not from the world of museum art,” she noted. “I just want to show that these museums are cool, fun and accessible even to those without special knowledge.”

August recently launched a companion podcast called "Next stop…", which expands her creative activity.

Jane August's Guide to New York City Museums

August realized that visiting museums is also a great way to get to know new areas of the metropolis. After a day in Staten Island, it became one of her favorite areas.

“I visit a lot of areas that I’ve never been to,” the “museum girl” admitted, noting that she’s “interested in exploring” them.

August still has 75 museums that she hasn't had time to visit. In the meantime, she thinks that Living Museum in Queens Village - the most unique in New York. Society of Illustrators, Nicholas Roerich Museum и Museum at FIT - the most underrated, and Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration, Guggenheim, American Museum of Natural History и Whitney, - slightly overrated, but also worth a visit.

“There's a lot more to do in New York than just eat and drink,” she concluded.

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