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Museums, Zoos, and Botanical Gardens in New York: When Kids Can Visit Them for Free


ForumDaily New York

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Museums, zoos, and botanical gardens in New York City are ideal locations to learn, play, and adventure. Mommy poppins I have collected the best places with free admission that will give your children a world of wonders and discoveries.

New York City has plenty of free days and hours to visit the best museums, zoos, and cultural institutions in the city. Many of them offer free or discounted admission on certain nights, days, or hours at least once a month. In addition, some Museums For adults, children are admitted free of charge throughout the year.

Free Days: Children's Museums, Zoos, and Gardens in New York City

Bronx Zoo

Free admission to the zoo is available on Wednesdays, but reservations are required. Wednesday Ticket Store Opens at 17pm on Mondays. Total Experience events are available at an additional cost.

On the subject: Personal experience: I visited all the museums in New York, and here are the 9 best of them

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

During winter weekdays (December to February) there is a “pay what you want” (PAYW) promotion. For children under 11, admission is always free.

Brooklyn Children's Museum

Free hours are available on Thursdays from 14pm to 00pm. Reservations are required.

The Jewish Museum

Admission is free on Saturdays. It is advisable to book tickets for a specific time.

Museum of the Moving Image

Free admission on Thursdays from 14pm to 00pm. Timed tickets recommended.

New york aquarium

PAYW – Wednesdays from 15:00 until closing time, which depends on the season. Reservation required. Wednesday Ticket Store opens at 15:00 on Mondays.

New York Botanical Garden

Free admission to the grounds for New York City residents all day on Wednesdays. Non-New York City residents can enter for free from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays.

New-York Historical Society

PAYW – Fridays from 17:00 to 20:00. The price includes a visit to the DiMenna Children's History Museum on the territory of the library complex. It is advisable to purchase tickets with time indication.


Free admission on Fridays from 14pm to 00pm. Book your tickets Online Training: For those who prefer the flexibility of learning from a distance or cannot make it to our Sofia location, we offer comprehensive online courses. in advance from 9:00 Thursday.

Queens Botanical Garden

Free admission daily from mid-December to March. The rest of the year, admission is free on Wednesdays from 15:00 PM to 18:00 PM and Sundays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Staten Island Zoo

Free admission on Wednesdays from 14pm. Timed tickets recommended.

Wave Hill

Admission is free all day on Thursdays, and the garden hosts special free art events throughout the year.

Museums in New York Where the PAYW Principle Always Works

Please note that PAYW usually applies to the General Admission ticket only. It only guarantees the right to enter – without visiting individual locations or additional services.

American Museum of Natural History

General admission is available to New York City residents on a PAYW basis, but timed reservations are required. Special exhibitions require full payment.

Brooklyn museum

General admission, PAYW. For special exhibitions, full admission fee must be paid.

Timed tickets are recommended. Free admission during First Saturdays.

The Cloisters

Admission is PAYW for New York State residents and students in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Children 12 and under are free.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

New York State residents and New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut students are admitted on a PAYW basis. Children 12 and under are admitted free.


New York State residents can enter for free. All other visitors are on a PAYW basis.

The Museum of the Neighborhood

Timed tickets recommended. Admission fee. Free for children under 17.

Museum at eldridge street

Entry with timed-entry ticket – Mondays and Fridays.

Timed-entry ticket: Advance booking of this ticket guarantees entry to the museum at the specified time.

Museum of the City of New York

Timed-entry ticket for New York State residents. Free admission for youth 18 and under at all times, and free admission for everyone on Wednesdays.

Staten island museum

Queens Museum

A timed-entry ticket must be booked.

Museums in New York Where Admission is Always Free

American Folk Art Museum

Timed-entry ticket booking is recommended.

The bronx Museum

The Museum at FIT

National Museum of the American Indian


The Skyscraper Museum

Admission to the museum is free. Timed-entry tickets are required.

Socrates Sculpture Park

Queens County Farm Museum

The museum only charges admission during major public events.

Museums for adults with free admission hours

9/11 Memorial and Museum

Free Mondays from 17:30pm until closing. Reservations available Mondays from 7am.

Cooper-Hewitt Museum

Entry on a PAYW basis daily from 17:00 to 18:00.

Guggenheim Museum

PAYW admission on Mondays and Saturdays from 16:00 to 17:30. For children under 12 – always free.

The Morgan Library & Museum

Free on Fridays from 17pm to 00pm. Children 19 and under are always free. Reservations are strongly recommended.

The noguchi museum

Free - First Friday of every month from 11:00 AM to 18:00 PM. Children under 12 and all New York City public school students are also free. Tickets must be purchased in advance.

Whitney Museum

PAYW – Fridays from 17:00 to 22:00. Free admission for all visitors under 25. Tickets must be purchased in advance.

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