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How Much of Your Taxes Goes to Support Illegals in New York


ForumDaily New York

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Each New York taxpayer will have to pay an average of more than $215 to cover the bill for the state's ongoing migrant crisis, according to a new analysis. NYPost.

New York's 10,7 million residents will contribute $2,3 billion to house and care for the state's staggering number of asylum seekers.

The analysis was conducted by the firm of Gina Arena, a Republican candidate in the 40th District, based on the median income tax of $7000 for New Yorkers in 2022.

On the subject: Gang members posing as migrants flood New York and build criminal empires

Arena said the migrant crisis was out of control, especially in New York.
“We are currently paying members of the Venezuelan gangs "in tax dollars to turn Times Square into a crime zone. That's how much of a scumbag New York has become under one-party rule," she said.

Much of the money is going to hotels that are being used as temporary shelters to house asylum seekers. The city aims to reserve up to 14 hotel rooms by next year.

Arena said New York politicians had their priorities wrong by spending so much on immigration crisis.

“New Yorkers have big hearts,” she said. “But we have real needs of our own. Our road infrastructure is in disarray, special needs families are underserved, nursing homes need rebuilding, and vital school projects are underfunded.”

“At the same time, our taxes are through the roof. They are among the highest in the country, as are the prices of everyday goods,” Arena concluded. “For progressive New Yorkers, this is just another $2,3 billion, but for hundreds of thousands of other New Yorkers, this is the fruit of their annual labor, wasted.”

Mayor Eric Adams' administration said the city will pay $5,76 billion to house and care for migrants from the summer of 2022 through June of next year.

Gov. Kathy Hochul and the state legislature have budgeted $2,4 billion for migrant spending in the current fiscal year, which runs from April 1 to March 31.

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