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Tax season 2021: how to file a tax return in New York for free


Lyudmila Balabay

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On February 12, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) began accepting and processing returns for 2020. Low-income residents of the State and City of New York are eligible to receive free tax filing assistance through special websites approved by the state and city tax authorities. We offer you detailed instructions on how this can be done, and we remind you that you must submit declarations for 2020 by April 15, 2021.

Photo: Shutterstock

For New Yorkers

The NYS Department of Taxation and Finance has partnered with the Free File Alliance to offer NYS electronic tax filing free of charge to those with up to $ 2020 in 72 income.

You can get this service by contacting one of the companies listed below. Before choosing an option, check the requirements of the respective company. Requirements vary from company to company. You may be charged a fee if you do not meet the company's free service requirements.

On the subject: What taxes are charged to New Yorkers

Companies offering free New York State tax filing

OLT Free File

You can get a service for free in this company if:

  • your federal adjusted gross income (AGI) was between $ 16 and $ 000 (regardless of age).

You must go to the OLT Free File website with New York State Department of Taxation and Finance pagesotherwise you may be charged.

Submit your tax return via OLT Free File

Tax Act Free File

You can get a service for free in this company if:

  • your federal adjusted gross income (AGI) for 2020 was no more than $ 63 and you are no more than 000 years old; or
  • you are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC); or
  • your federal AGI was $ 72 or less and you were on active duty (including reservists and the National Guard).

You must go to Tax Act Free File website with New York State Department of Taxation and Finance pagesotherwise you may be charged.

Submit your tax return via Tax Act Free File

TaxSlayer Free File

You can get a service for free in this company if:

  • you are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC); or
  • your federal adjusted total income (AGI) is $ 72 or less and
  • you were 51 years old or younger as of December 31, 2020; or
  • you were on active military service (including reservists and the National Guard).

You must go to TaxSlayer Free File website with New York State Department of Taxation and Finance pagesotherwise you may be charged.

Submit your tax return via TaxSlayer Free File

TurboTax Free File

You can get a service for free in this company if:

  • your federal adjusted gross income (AGI) was $ 39 or less; or
  • your federal AGI was $ 72 or less and you were on active duty (including reservists and the National Guard); or
  • you are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).

You must go to the TurboTax Free File website with New York State Department of Taxation and Finance pagesotherwise you may be charged.

Submit a tax return via TurboTax Free File

If you earned more than $ 2020 in 72, read the information on other options for filing declarations.

For New Yorkers

If your income in 2020 is less than $ 68, the city can help you file your tax return for free. You can file your tax return online or in person for free.

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NYC Free Tax Prep offers reliable professional services online and in person:

  • virtual preparation of the declaration with further submission online (the service is also available in Russian);
  • online assistance in filling out the declaration (assistance in Russian is possible);
  • points for receiving completed declarations;
  • personal meetings to fill out the declaration (the office closest to you can be found here:).

You can learn more about each option with conditions and contacts. here.

How online submission works

If you are eligible for tax benefits such as Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit (CTC) or Child and Dependent Tax Credit, you can declare this when submitting your declaration.

If you receive a refund, IRS will mail or transfer the amount to your bank account.

What documents need to be attached

To receive this service, you must confirm the following:

  1. Your identity: Provide, for example, a government-issued ID (IDNYC cards are accepted).
  2. Proof of Income: Forms W-2, 1099s or Income and Expense Documents (for sole proprietors).
  3. Your bank account details and bank code if you want the tax deduction to be transferred to your account.
  4. Health insurance: Form 1095-A / B / C or / and exemption.
  5. Proof of childcare costs (if applicable).
  6. Depending on your financial situation, you may also be required to provide other documents, such as proof of interest on a student loan (Form 1098-T) or Social Security benefits (Form SSA-1099). Be sure to have these documents with you when preparing your tax return to get the maximum tax deduction.
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