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Man unexpectedly punches stranger walking dog: she has concussion


ForumDaily New York

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On September 13 at around 19 p.m., an 00-year-old woman was walking her dog at the intersection of W. 81th Street and Amsterdam Avenue when a man snuck up behind her and suddenly punched her in the face, according to FoxNews.

The woman, who gave her name as Gloria, said she felt "lucky" to be alive after being attacked and hospitalized, with only bruises on her face and neck to remind her of the incident.

As the victim of the attack said, she continues to walk her dog on the street.

"I'm not going to hide in my apartment," she said.

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Gloria remembers little of the incident. She suffered a concussion as a result. attackHowever, she described the incident as "horrible."

“The worst thing is that it happened in front of my house,” she emphasized.

Horrifying video

The surveillance footage shows a man walking past Gloria as she walks her dog near her home. Moments later, the man in black turns around and approaches Gloria from behind. He raises his hand and hits her blow in face.

Gloria hit her head on the wall of the building, after which she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

The next section of the video shows her lying on the ground and the man walking away as passersby rush to her aid.

"I don't want to watch that tape. I feel so lucky! He could have had a knife," Gloria suggested. "My neck was almost as thick as my face after the blow."

The New York Police Department continues its investigation.

The list of brutal attacks in New York City continues to grow.

In March, several young women took to social media to claim they had been hit in the face or head by strangers while walking in New York City.

One of the victims, TikTok user Olivia Brand, uploaded the video on March 17 after she was "punched by a man on the sidewalk."

"He said 'sorry' and then hit me in the head," she commented. "Oh my God! What the hell just happened?"

Several other women reported similar incidents.

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