Do not rush to dial 911: what services in New York will help in an emergency
Olga Derkach
Typically, people call the police and emergency services because of an emergency or when they need immediate help. But not all calls always have to be in 911 - there are a number of other services that deal with individual cases, depending on the situation. Resource Don't Call The Police collected the most important of them.
The resources included in the list are limited to those that offer immediate assistance through emergency or crisis services.
These resources are required to call the police if there is imminent danger of harm to the caller or another person, child abuse, or abuse of a vulnerable adult.
These resources are not intended to cover all situations - they only provide the specified services. If you are in immediate danger of injury and do not feel safe, call 911.
Ali Forney Center
Ali Forney Center (AFC) is the largest and most comprehensive organization in the country dedicated to hosting LGBT youth. AFC serves youth ages 16 to 24 and provides temporary housing, jobs, a trust center, medical and mental health care, educational programs, and a counseling project for families of LGBT youth.
- Location and phone: Manhattan/Brooklyn; (212) 206-0574.
- Website:
Bowery Citizens Committee Homeless Helpline
- Phone: (212) 533-5151
- Website:
Coalition for the Homeless in Crisis Program
- Phone: (212) 776-2177
- Website:
Safe Horizon Streetwork
Safe Horizon's Streetwork is New York's leading provider of emergency and supportive services for homeless, runaway and homeless youth aged 16 to 25.
- Phone: (212) 695-2220
- Website:
Sylvia's Place
Sylvia's Place is a nightly haven for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transgender and young people aged 16 to 23.
- Phone: (212) 629-7440
- Website:
Ali Forney Center
The Ali Forney Center (AFC) is the largest and most comprehensive hosting organization for LGBT youth in the country. AFC serves young people aged 16 to 24 and provides temporary housing, jobs, a trust center, medical and mental health care, educational programs, and a counseling project for families of LGBT youth.
- Location and phone: Manhattan/Brooklyn; (212) 206-0574.
- Website:
On the subject: A real hero: 7-year-old boy saved a choking classmate using the Heimlich maneuver
New York National LGBTQ+ Helpline
- Phone: (212) 989-0999
- Website:
New York Anti-Violence Project
A free, bilingual (English/Spanish), 24-hour Crisis Intervention Hotline staffed by trained volunteers and professional counselors/advocates who offer support to LGBTQ+ and HIV-positive victims of any type of violence, as well as those who love and support survivors in including those who have lost a loved one as a result of violence.
- Phone: (212) 714-1141
- Website:
Sylvia's Place
Sylvia's Place is a nightlife haven for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transgender and young people aged 16-23.
- Phone: (212) 629-7440
- Website:
Mental health
NYC Well
NYC Well is your link to free, confidential mental health support. Talk to a counselor by phone, text or chat and access mental health and addiction services in over 200 languages 24/7/365.
- Phone: 1 (888) 692-9355
- Website:
The Samaritans
This is a free, confidential, XNUMX/XNUMX emotional support and crisis response hotline. Samaritans is available on an ongoing basis to help people who are facing any kind of problem, illness, injury or loss as they struggle to cope. The hotline provides those in crisis (and the people who care for them) with a XNUMX/XNUMX emotional support network.
- Phone: (212) 673-3000 (XNUMX hours)
- Website:
Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence
Barrier Free Living
Barrier Free Living operates Secret Garden counseling service and Freedom House DV shelter for people with disabilities.
- Hot line Domestic Violence: (212) 533-4358 (9:00 am to 17:00 pm, Monday through Friday)
- After hours call the national domestic violence hotline at 1 (800) 799-7233.
- Website:
Safe horizon
A XNUMX/XNUMX multilingual hotline offers crisis resources for victims of domestic violence.
- Tel: 1-800-621-HOPE (4673) (domestic violence hotline)
- (212) 227-3000 (rape and sexual harassment hotline)
- TDD: (866) 604-5350 (all hotlines)
- Website:
Violence Intervention Program (VIP)
The service provides culturally competent domestic violence intervention and stabilization services. It is focused on serving the Hispanic population of New York City. VIP operates the only bilingual (English-Spanish) XNUMX/XNUMX hotline in New York City. Advocate counselors provide a wide range of services, including crisis telephone counseling, safety planning, information about emergency shelters, and referral to housing and other community service providers when needed.
- Phone: 1 (800) 664-5880 (XNUMX/XNUMX hotline)
- Website:
Child abuse
Please note that people answering these calls may be required to report to law enforcement.
New York State Child Abuse Hotline
- Phone: 1 (800) 342-3720
Child Abuse Prevention
Prevent Child Abuse New York is the only private, statewide, non-profit agency dedicated to the prevention of child abuse in all its forms. The 1-800-CHILDREN hotline is an information and referral line for parents or guardians who need support. This is not a crisis line.
- Phone: 1-800-CHILDREN (244-5373)
- Website:
SCO Family of Services
Offers ongoing care and services that give young children a head start, launch youth into adulthood, stabilize and strengthen families, and unlock the potential of children and adults with special needs.
- Phone: (718) 974-7800 (during business hours)
- Website:
The Door
The Door is a trust center serving the runaway and homeless youth of New York City and provides a variety of services. Particular attention is paid to LGBTQ+ youth. Working hours: Monday - Friday from 11:00 to 20:00, Saturday from 12:00 to 18:00.
- Website:
Elderly people
SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline
Elderly members of the LGBT community who want to talk can call the hotline, where they are ready to listen. If you are an older LGBT person or caregiver, call the SAGE toll-free hotline, which is available XNUMX/XNUMX.
- Phone: 1 (877) 360-LGBT (5428)
- Website:
On the subject: Scandal in New York: a policeman arrested an ambulance doctor preventing her from finishing work with a patient
Safe Horizon Crime Victim Assistance Program
A XNUMX/XNUMX multilingual hotline offering crisis resources for crime victims and their families is available at New York City police stations and housing police areas throughout the city. The organization provides counseling, individual or group therapy, and assistance with legal and financial issues that may arise following a crime.
- Phone: 1 (866) 689-HELP (hotline for crime victims and their families)
- TDD: 1 (866) 604-5350 (all hotlines)
- Website:
Narcotic substances
Bowery Residents Committee Chemical Dependency Crisis Center
The BRC Addiction Crisis Center (CDCC) provides 32 inpatient beds for homeless men and women suffering from drug addiction.
- Phone: (212) 533-3281
- Website:
Project Renewal Crisis Service
Crisis service for people struggling with addiction.
- Phone: (212) 763-0596
- Website:
Please consider using these alternatives to calling the NYPD or 911 when faced with a situation requiring de-escalation or intervention.