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The unexpected little things that make New Yorkers happy


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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New York is a city of vivid impressions and contrasts, it knows how to surprise. But at the same time, its inhabitants are able to enjoy the daily little things. Channel "Alphabet of an immigrant" on Zen.Yandex made a list of the little things that cheer up New Yorkers.

Photo: Shutterstock

1. To have time to jump into the subway car a second before the doors close. In New York, only at rush hour, the interval between metro trains can be about 5 minutes, this is not Moscow or Kiev, where trains arrive every one and a half to two minutes. In New York, if you missed your train, you will have to wait 15-20 minutes or more for the next one. Therefore, getting on the car before closing the doors is a special happiness.

2. Get from point A to point B without transfers. Although the New York Subway has 472 stations, making it the largest in the world, it is extremely illogical. Sometimes the distance, which can be covered in 20-25 minutes by car, takes 1,5 hours by metro, with two changes.

3. Another joy - small talk, and if there is a pet nearby, then the conversation may become longer. To pet a neighbor's dog, to tell its owner something pleasant about a pet is a trifle loved by New Yorkers. This will bring joy to both the dog owner and his neighbor, who will receive a kind of therapy session when they pet their four-legged friend.

4. Get a table at the restaurant without booking. Restaurants are part of the American culture and lifestyle. This is a reason to dress up, because they choose comfortable clothes for work, unless there is a dress code. A table must be booked in advance, but if a spontaneous desire to sit in a nice restaurant is supported by a free table and the opportunity to take it without booking, then this is a double joy!

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5. Snack on the grass in the park. It is not so easy to find a good spot in the park, but if you succeed, then a pleasant lunch with friends on the lawn is guaranteed! Nature refreshes, relaxes and makes it easy to continue your work day.

6. The library near the house is an extraordinary joy for New Yorkers. Americans not only buy books, but also borrow them from the library. Finding exactly the one in which the need arose, and even not far from home for a connoisseur of the smell of a real book - sheer pleasure!

7. Attend a Broadway production. Now many are waiting for September, when, after a break of one and a half years, it will be possible to enjoy the performances again, to see the wonderful world of art, because each performance on Broadway is a separate world. Actors and musicians give all their best, so the impressions are enough for six months to come! And this is also part of the New Yorkers' way of life.

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