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Incredible facts about New York that will definitely surprise you


ForumDaily New York

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Do you know that in New York there is a skyscraper without windows? Or why set fire to railroad tracks in winter? Perhaps you know what the word "Manhattan" means in the language of the Delaware Indians? If not, then read about the amazing facts about the Big Apple that the publication shares. Big Picture.

Photo: Shutterstock

1. The New York Metro is the largest in the world in terms of the number of stations. It is one of the oldest and longest transportation networks on the planet. In addition, it was underground in this city that more than 12 thousand life forms (including insects and bacteria) were identified.

2. New York has different and sometimes strange rules. For example, it is forbidden to honk here, unless it is an emergency. However, few people follow this rule.

3. Did you know that in 1789 New York was designated the first capital of the United States? True, it lasted only a year.

4. According to statistics, every New Yorker has three times less green space than any other metropolis.

5. Amazingly, in New York there are even skyscraper without windows! It is located at 33 Thomas Street (33 Thomas Street). This 29-storey building is 167,5 meters high and is located in the Manhattan area.

6. Did you know that ALL of Manhattan, where real estate is worth crazy money today, in 1626 was bought from locals for the equivalent of $ 1000 today?

On the subject: Named the most expensive street in the world, and it is located in New York

7. The city authorities set fire to the railroad tracks in winter. This is done so that they are not covered with ice.

8. New Yorkers are more likely to kill themselves than die at the hands of others. True, these statistics are not true every year, sometimes suicides are in second place after murders.

9. To own a hot dog stand in the vicinity of Central Park, you need to pay a round sum - about $ 300 thousand a year.

10. Did you know that Manhattan in Delaware language means "island of many hills"... Yes, it was once so, but for the sake of urban development, the hills were razed to the ground.

11. The city of New York itself is also called the Big Apple. For a long time, it was not known why this was. However, researchers at the University of Missouri Science and Technology have been able to establish a likely etymology. Large-scale horse racing around New York was called apples (probably because horses love apples). The term was popularized by journalist John Fitzgerald in The New York Morning Telegraph, where he mentioned that he was going to the Big Apple.

12 There are a lot of Poles living in New York. Moreover, it is the city with the largest Polish population in the world (after Warsaw). In addition to Poles, New York is home to more Chinese people than any other non-Asian city, and more Jews than any other city outside of Israel.

13 Nearly half of New York's population speaks non-English at home. This city with the world's most linguistic diversity - its inhabitants speak 800 languages.

14 Every 38th American lives in New York.

15. New Yorkers are true coffee lovers: the city drinks seven times more coffee than other regions of the United States.

16 A quarter of the world's bullion is stored in basements below Wall Street - at the Federal Reserve Bank.

17. In New York every 21st resident of the city is a millionaire.

18 Shrimp live in the water that flows from taps in New York houses! They are invisible and harmless. Their name is copepod, or copepod cancer.

19. New York boasts snowy winters. It receives about 15 times more snow than at the South Pole.

20. The eyes of Albert Einstein, for several decades contemplating the stars and the entire vast universe and separated from the scientist's body after his death in 1955, are now rumored to be looking at a much less exciting black hole - the bowels of a private safe in the city of New York, the newspaper writes. with the BBC.

21. The Empire State Building is one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world, has its own postcode.

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