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Niagara Falls: when is the best time to visit this unique natural wonder?


ForumDaily New York

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Niagara Falls is one of the most stunning attractions in North America. Collector tells you when is the best time to visit this incredible place.

Niagara Falls is one of the most powerful and beautiful waterfalls on the planet. Its height is 53 meters and its width is more than a kilometer. Niagara Falls has three cascades: Horseshoe Falls (in Canada), American Falls and Veil (in the USA). The roar of Niagara can be heard 25 kilometers away. The waters of four of the five Great Lakes of North America are carried by the Niagara River, which connects Lakes Erie and Ontario.

It is believed that the word “Niagara” comes from the Iroquois Onguiaahra meaning “strait.” This refers to the narrow waterways that flow north from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario.

Additional popularity of this tourist place was ensured by the evening illumination, a huge number of attractions and entertainment, as well as shows and festivals regularly held here. Depending on the time of year Niagara waterfall offers visitors a different experience.

Climate and weather

Spring brings cool weather. The average daily temperature rises to 5–19 °C. Ice and cold water on Lake Erie can bring frosty winds to the falls. Snow is possible until mid-April, so it is not recommended to pitch tents during this period.

On the subject: Cool and Beautiful: 8 Enchanting Waterfalls in New Jersey

The summer months (June, July and August) are the most popular time to visit Niagara Falls. This is peak season. Visitors are rewarded with pleasant weather. Daytime highs range from 21°C-25°C and precipitation is rare. Hot days are often softened by cool breezes from lakes where the water temperature is lower than the air temperature.

In autumn, temperatures begin to drop again - from 8 °C to 22 °C. The first frosts and snowfall begin around the end of October or beginning of November.

In winter, from December to early March, Niagara Falls and the surrounding landscape transform into a frozen spectacle of sparkling ice and drifts of fresh snow. The temperature at this time drops significantly below zero. January is the coldest month with an average temperature of -4,1 °C.

“Does Niagara Falls ever freeze?” – the most common question asked by visitors. Although it has never frozen, it has experienced ice jams in the past. If you visit in winter, you will notice that the American Falls seem “more frozen” than the Canadian Horseshoe Falls. This is because the American Falls receives only 7% of its water from the Niagara River, with the rest of the resource being diverted through Canada's Horseshoe Falls. With less water, there is a greater chance of ice forming, causing the waterfalls to appear frozen.

December and February are almost as cold. In March, temperatures begin to rise above freezing, but snowfalls are still common.

Tourist season

June to August is the busiest time to visit Niagara Falls. This period coincides with the hot summer months.

All additional tourist attractions are open, including the Niagara SkyWheel, Whirlpool AeroCar, hiking trails and excursions. The Discover Niagara Shuttle operates during the summer. It allows you to easily get from one attraction to another. However, hotels are the most expensive in summer!

From mid-October to early May is the off-season. There are significantly fewer people, except for the holiday period from late December to early January.

Hotel prices tend to be cheaper at this time, but due to winter weather conditions many attractions are closed. During the off-season, from late April to early May, wildflowers can be seen in bloom.

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