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Overnight at a Lake View Winery: Plan Your Dream New York Vacation


Lyudmila Balabay

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An overnight stay in nature and craft wine is what you need to unwind after a busy week in New York. There's a winery near Seneca Lake Fulkerson Winery, and on its territory - a farmhouse where guests can spend the night. Read more about this beautiful place Only in Your State.

An 1800s farmhouse has been completely modernized. It combines modern conveniences with a sense of tranquility, which gives nature around. Just a few steps from the house (150 meters) there is a winery where you can taste craft wine and attend a winemaking or brewing class.

The farmhouse was built in 1896 and has recently been upgraded to accommodate up to 10 guests. It has high speed internet in case you need to do some work and cable TV. The house has four bedrooms, 2,5 bathrooms and a large living room. Up to 12 people can be seated at the dining table in the dining room.

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The best part is that from the winery you can go to the lake with a glass of aromatic wine. It can even be seen from the porch of the farmhouse. Alternatively, guests can book a 2-hour tour around the lake. Fulkerson Farms has a disc golf course if you're feeling more active.

Address: Fulkerson Winery, 5576 NY-14, Dundee, NY 14837.

More information can be found at winery website.

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