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New Jersey Accepting Applications for Rental Assistance Program: How to Apply


ForumDaily New York

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In January, New Jersey will begin accepting applications for the state's rental assistance housing lottery, which provides targeted subsidies to low-income residents, according to Pix11.

New Jersey residents will be able to apply for the lottery State Rental Assistance Program from 9:00 a.m. on January 13 to 17:00 p.m. on January 31. To apply online, click here.

The lottery will be drawn after the application period ends. A total of 6000 entries will be selected. families to join the rental assistance program waiting list.

Conditions of participation

To be eligible to apply, applicants must meet certain income limits based on their family size and the county they live in. Priority will be given to veterans, homeless people, people with disabilities, people over 62, and those who live and work in certain New Jersey counties.

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Applicants selected through lottery, will be notified by email. People will be able to check the status of their application online after February 14.

For more information about the program, click here.

Income Limits for Program Eligibility

Screenshot: New Jersey Department of Community Affairs
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