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Anne Frank exhibit to open in New York City, featuring replica of family's secret hideout


ForumDaily New York

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An exhibition dedicated to the young Jewish writer Anne Frank will open in New York on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Among other exhibits, Anne Frank The Exhibition will feature a full-scale replica of the secret shelter where Anne hid from Nazi occupiers during World War II, reports AMNY.

The exhibition will open on January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

The event promises to be an exciting interactive experience for visitors. The exhibits will be on display to the public in Center for Jewish History in Manhattan.

Those who wish will be able to go inside a full-scale replica of the secret shelter where Frank and her family hid from Nazi persecution for more than two years.

The project was carried out by the Anne Frank House, an organization dedicated to preserving Anne's legacy, in partnership with the Center for Jewish History.

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The exhibition will be open until April 30, 2025. Tens of thousands of tickets have already been sold ahead of its opening. You can buy them hereThe exhibit is open to anyone 10 years of age or older. Free or subsidized admission is offered to Title I public schools.

Unique exhibits

“The significance of the exhibition goes beyond its time,” said Dr. Gavriel Rosenfeld, president of the Center for Jewish History. “There is an immediate political context today – a surge in anti-Semitism around the world and hatred of other groups. Anne Frank lived and died as a young Jewish girl, but her message of tolerance and universal acceptance resonates far beyond the Jewish community.”

The exhibition will highlight the story of Anne's family from their time in Germany, their move to the Netherlands and their decision to go into hiding until their discovery by the Nazis, their deportation, Anne's death and her father's post-war decision to publish his daughter's diary.

The exhibition contains artefacts that have never been displayed publicly before, including Anne Frank's first photo album, handwritten poems, and letters to and from her father Otto Frank.

Among the items on display is one of the yellow stars that Jews were ordered to wear in occupied Netherlands, as well as the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, won by Shelley Winters for her work in George Stevens' 1959 film The Diary of Anne Frank.

Visitors will be able to connect emotionally and intellectually with Frank’s moving narrative. The exhibition reveals Anne not only as a victim of war, but also as a determined young woman, a talented writer with her own dreams and aspirations.

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