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New York City Museums You Can Visit for Free This Week


ForumDaily New York

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Several New York City museums are offering free admission this Friday, October 4, reports Pix11.

Museums throughout the city, they usually offer free admission once a week or once a month. This initiative makes some of the most prestigious museums New York City accessible to a wide variety of visitors.

Museums with free admission on Friday, October 4

Museum of Contemporary Art (MoMA)

  • Address: 11 W 53rd St. NY 10019.
  • Required booking.

On the subject: A girl who visited almost all the museums in New York compiled a list of the best of them

Whitney Museum of American Art

  • Address: 99 Gansevoort St. NY 10014.
  • Required booking.

The Morgan Library and Museum

  • Address: 225 Madison Ave. NY 10016.
  • Required booking.

Japan Society

  • Address: 333 East 47th St. NY 10017.

Asia Society Museum

  • Address: 725 Park Ave. NY 10021.
  • Required booking.

The Rubin Museum of Art

  • Address: 150 W 17th St. NY 10011.
  • Required booking.
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