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Amtrak Winter Ticket Sale: Where to Travel for Just $37


ForumDaily New York

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Now is the perfect time to do some train travel. Amtrak is having a winter ticket sale. Time-out tells you where you can go for $37 for a one-way ticket.

You can book a one-way ticket through Friday, January 24, for travel from February 1 to March 31, saving up to 30% on regular fares on Acela Business, Northeast Regional Coach, and Coach Class on other popular Northeast routes. trains. Tickets can be booked here.

Where can I go?

One-way fares for Northeast Regional Coach Class include:

  • Baltimore - New York for $37;
  • New York - Boston for $40;
  • Philadelphia - New York for $24;
  • Richmond - New York for $55;
  • Washington, DC to New York for $40.

On the subject: Discount season begins in New York on restaurants, hotels and Broadway shows

One-way fares on Acela Business Class include:

  • Baltimore - New York for $97;
  • New York - Boston for $86;
  • Philadelphia - New York for $96;
  • Washington, DC to New York for $102.

“This winter, customers will be able to enjoy the charm and convenience Travel "by train at significant savings during our winter sale," said Amtrak executive vice president and chief commercial officer Eliot Hamlisch.

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