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Bill de Blasio Fined $475: Former Mayor Used His Security Guards as Servants


ForumDaily New York

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Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio owes the city $475 in fines after he forced taxpayers to foot the bill for his NYPD protection during his unsuccessful 000 presidential campaign, according to reports Silive.

A new court ruling blocks de Blasio's latest attempt to overturn a massive fine issued against him by the city's ethics board in 2023. The former mayor claims the board gave him unclear guidance on how to use public funds for security purposes.

Security costs

Judge Shahabuddin Ally roundly rejected those arguments in an 80-page ruling issued Jan. 13. The court found that the mayor had been “expressly and specifically” informed that the city would not bear the cost of security for Blasio’s campaign trips across the country, but he chose to bring his police security anyway.

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The city’s Conflict of Interest Board ruled in June 2023 that de Blasio must pay $319 and a $794 fine for travel, food, and lodging for his police security detail, which has followed him and his family everywhere since de Blasio announced his White House bid in May 155.

The fine was the largest ever handed down by the New York City Conflict of Interest Board, an independent city agency charged with ensuring that local officials adhere to certain ethical standards.

Carolyn Lisa Miller, the council's executive director, said the judge's decision "speaks for itself."

In the lawsuit, de Blasio's lawyers argued that forcing the plaintiff to cover the costs of his security detail's travel violates his First Amendment rights. They said paying reimbursements would not have a "measurable impact on the NYPD's budget."

De Blasio has faced accusations of misusing his security detail before. In the months before he left office in 2021, he was found to have treated officers as “concierges” when the mayor used them to help him move his daughter into a new apartment and transport his son to college.

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