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New York Ramen Burger Makes World's Most Disgusting Food List, But Its Competitors Are Far Worse


ForumDaily New York

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Taste is a subjective concept. However, there are dishes that cause gag reflexes in the majority of the population of our planet. New York Post tells about the rating of the most disgusting dishes in the world, and a delicacy from New York also made it onto this list.

TasteAtlas has published its review 100 Worst Foods in the World in 2025. It included blood pancakes, deep-fried silkworms, jellied eels and bizarre exotic dishes.

Coincidentally, most of them come from Scandinavia. American food remained relatively unscathed, with the exception of Brooklyn's Ramen Burger, which came in at number six on the list.

The list does not aim to condemn specific dishes. It aims to "promote excellent local food, inspire pride in traditional dishes and generate curiosity about those you haven't tried yet."

Without further ado, let's move on to the most nauseating delicacies on Earth, according to TasteAtlas.

1. Blodplättar (Sweden)

Blodplättar is a pancake that has been infused with animal plasma to give it a dark brown color.

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The high iron and protein content in the blood makes the dish an excellent egg substitute and an ideal ingredient for binding milk and flour.

The macabre pancakes are mixed with onions and spices, then served with fresh lingonberries or lingonberry jam.

Blodplättar, eaten in Finland and Norway, is considered the ideal breakfast to strengthen the body on a cold day.

2. Blodpalt (Lapland)

Blodpalt are dumplings made from rye or barley flour and filled with animal blood. The dish is a delicacy in the places where Santa dines, Finnish Lapland and Sweden.

The macabre flour dumpling was traditionally filled with deer blood. These days, pig blood or other types of animal plasma are used.

Sometimes these dumplings are filled with a mixture of fried onions and diced bacon, and are usually cooked in flavorful meat broths.

Blodpalt was voted the most disgusting dish on Earth last year. But this anti-delicacy has edged out its pancake counterpart.

3. Calskrove (Sweden)

Invented at the Tre Kronor restaurant in Skellefteå, the Calskrove is essentially a calzone pizza. It is filled with hamburgers, bread, French fries and other fast food.

What else would you expect from a country that puts bananas on pizza?

According to TasteAtlas, this high-octane piñata was created for people who can't decide between pizza and a hamburger after a night of drinking.

4. Svið (Iceland)

Svið is a sheep's head cut in half. It is baked to remove the wool and then boiled. The end product could grace Hannibal Lecter's mantelpiece.

This disgusting-looking dish is traditionally eaten during the Icelandic midwinter festival known as Þorrablót. Svið is served with turnip puree, rhubarb jelly and mashed potatoes.

Sure, it's creepy to eat something that looks at you with one eye, but this dish takes us back to the days when it was forbidden to throw away any part of an animal.

5. Silkworm larvae (Thailand)

In Thailand, street vendors serve silkworm larvae (those creepy crawlies!) with salt and pepper, sometimes seasoned with a secret sauce prepared by the vendor.

The larvae taste crunchy, greasy and oily – like a snack at an entomology bar – and are prized for their high protein content and supposed medicinal properties.

The Brooklyn Ramen Burger came in at number eight. This Japanese-American mashup features a meat patty sandwiched between two fried buns filled with ramen noodles.

It's the brainchild of Keizo Shimamoto, a former programmer who quit his day job in 2009 to blog about ramen.

Since debuting on the Smorgasbord food scene in 2013, the dish has taken Brooklyn by storm, charming crowds and spawning numerous offshoots around the world.

The 10 "Worst" Dishes in the World According to TasteAtlas:

  1. Blodplättar (Sweden).
  2. Blodpalt (Lapland).
  3. Calskrove (Sweden).
  4. Svið (Iceland).
  5. Silkworm larvae (Thailand).
  6. Chapelele (Chile).
  7. Jellied eels (UK).
  8. Ramen Burger (New York, USA).
  9. Thai sour curry made from fish entrails (Thailand).
  10. Aginares salata (Greece).
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