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Valentine's Day Deal: Name a Cockroach at the Bronx Zoo After Your Ex


ForumDaily New York

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The Bronx Zoo will host its traditional “Name a Roach” event for Valentine’s Day. Those who wish will be able to name a Madagascar cockroach, reports Secret nyc.

Held every year around Valentine's Day, the event allows visitors to choose whether to name one of the zoo's many cockroaches after a loved one or a terrible ex.

Forget about expressing your Love with flowers – do it with the Madagascar hissing cockroach!

Cockroach with a name

Program "Name the cockroach"" has been a Bronx Zoo tradition since 2011. It has been incredibly popular over the years. For a donation of $15, you can name a Madagascar cockroach after beloved person. Or, alternatively, an annoying ex.

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On February 14, along with the right to assign a name, you will receive a digital certificate. This can then be given to your cockroach's namesake. You can order a certificate here.

The Bronx Zoo also sells cockroach hats, which are guaranteed to keep you warm during one of New York City's coldest winters. You can also buy an adorable mini crossbody bag, which is perfect for your phone, wallet, keys, and Metrocard. If you want the full experience, get a certificate, hat, bag, and stuffed cockroach all in one package.

Virtual meeting

You and your little cockroach can enjoy a virtual meeting this Valentine's Day. Experts will tell you the whole truth about the insect and its many unique features.
In addition, the Bronx Zoo has an adults-only program where you can taste chocolate and learn about the importance of insects in chocolate production.

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