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Valentine's Day Couples Can Get Married in Times Square: How to Apply


ForumDaily New York

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On Friday, February 14, Valentine's Day, New Yorkers and visitors to the city will be able to declare their love, exchange vows or get married right in the middle of Times Square, reports SecretNYC.

As part of the annual Time Square Alliance Love in Times Square event lovers can propose, walk down the aisle and say "I do" in Times Square on the most romantic day of the year. Registration is now open for those who want to express their feelings on this special day.

Those wishing to marry must comply with all New York State laws to obtain a marriage license and provide at least two witnesses.

Already formed couples can also confess their love to their partner partner - again. The vow renewal ceremony will begin at 18:00 PM and end at 18:30 PM.

To learn more about Love in Times Square and to register, visit here.

More details on the full schedule of Valentine's Day events will be announced in the coming weeks.

Offer on screen

For those who want to propose to their significant other digitally, the organizers will give them the opportunity to declare their love on one of Times Square's iconic billboards! Midnight Moment transforms the square's billboards into a digital art gallery every day leading up to midnight.

Submit your story of meeting and love for a chance to make it happen! You can apply here.

Billboard space is not automatically provided. If your story is impressive, you will be contacted personally by the end of January.

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