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New Yorkers to be treated to Dubai chocolate that has taken over social media: event to last only one day


ForumDaily New York

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Lindt & Sprüngli's limited edition Dubai chocolate, which has been making waves on social media, will be available for one day only - this Thursday, December 12, at the Lindt New York Empire State store starting at 9:00 a.m. Time-out recommends that all those with a sweet tooth come early.

The world-famous chocolate was created in 2021 by the genius dessert master Sarah Hamouda. Since then chocolate has become very popular on the internet due to its unconventional and great taste.

So what’s so special about this treat? It’s not just any chocolate bar – the Dubai treat is filled with pistachio cream and crunchy kadayif, a traditional Turkish dessert. It’s made from shredded dough soaked in honey and often topped with nuts.

The chocolates will be sold in luxury packaging for $14,99 each. Anyone who manages to get their hands on a bar of Dubai's chocolate, will receive a special certificate and other free Lindt products.

Dubai Chocolate bar with green kadayif and pistachio spread with pistachio nuts close up

“We are thrilled to bring the Lindt Dubai chocolate bar to the US for the first time this holiday season. There’s no better place to launch than New York City,” said Anne Czaja, Lindt’s Chief Chocolatier. “Our artisans have expertly handcrafted the ingredients, so chocolate lovers can experience the global taste sensation that has taken the world by storm.”

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Lindt New York Empire State will be hosting celebrations throughout the day to mark the occasion, including free chocolate samples and a raffle. The raffle will guarantee a year's supply of Lindt chocolate to a very lucky winner. Make sure to arrive early, as the treats are sure to sell out quickly.

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