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Helping California Wildfire Victims: Brooklyn Cafe Collects Clothes, Essentials


ForumDaily New York

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Migo Events and Viva Toro Cafe collect clothing for victims of the California wildfires. Time-out tells where and when you can donate things.

Numerous fires are still raging across Los Angeles County. Thousands of Californians have lost their homes and belongings. New Yorkers are trying to find ways to help those affected.

Migos and Viva Toro Café Team Up to Send Relief to Los Angeles Fire Victims clothing.

How can I donate things?

To donate clothing, head to Viva Toro at 987 Grand Street in East Williamsburg. They will be accepting donations on Tuesday, January 14 and Wednesday, January 15, from 16 to 00 p.m. You can bring women's, men's, children's clothing, as well as baby items, shoes and accessories (new or used). All of this should be in bags.

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Migo Events and Viva Toro will donate the collected items to Salvation Army LA. The organization helps those directly affected by the wildfires.

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